The Attribution Theory is associated with three major factors that define it. Distinctiveness, it means whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations. Consensus, it occurs if everyone who is in a similar situation responds in a same way, and the last one, which is consistency in a person’s actions. The more consistent the behavior of one person, the more the observer is inclined to attribute it to internal causes.
Attribution theory defines that when we observe an individual’s behavior, we try to determine whether it was internally or externally caused. That determination depends largely on three factors above. Internally caused behaviors are those that are believed to be under the personal control of the individual. In the other hand, externally caused behavior was seen as resulting from outside causes, that is the person was seen as having been forced into the behavior by the situation instead of his own behavior.
Students’ personal behavior is the example of an internally caused behavior which was believed that everyone’s behavior is beyond the personal control of the individual. From Professor Anderson’s view about his students, due to the low distinctiveness, he feels that the students were always last minute, not only in doing their assignments work but also their homework, which was actually caused by the internally caused behavior that were believed to be under the personal control of the students. If the distinctiveness is high, which means the students were always handing up and doing their assignments and homework in time before this and able to provide excellent answers for every questions given to them, therefore, it may be true that the students were actually affected by the confusing assignment and having to obtain a bad result in the end. This shows that it was the external factor that affects the student’s grading instead of being internally caused.
Other than that, eternally caused behavior is
References: ABDM 2073 Organizational Behavior TARC Notes Organizational Behavior, Editor: Jennifer M. George and Gareth R.Jones. Organizational Behavior Eleventh Edition, Editor: Fred Luthans.