Adnan Malik – H00133313
Chris Andrew D’Silva – H00115516
Muhammad Mohsin – H00114888
Muhammad Hammad Malik - 091616937
Word Count: 2200
Date: 27/10/2012
This essay aims to discuss major sources of work-related stress and provide an analysis of the reasons that cause stress among both males and females, and whether similarities exist between them.
So, what is stress? Comprehensively, stress is a typical instinctive reaction to situations that make one feel pressured or agitated in any way. For instance, when a person senses any sort of threat, he/she delivers an automatic stress response or the “fight or flight” reaction. Thus, this reaction is the body’s means to protect themself. Moreover, stress can help a person to remain attentive and focussed during their course of work, and aid them to complete tasks or meet deadlines. In case of an emergency, stress can also help one defend or protect their life. Beyond a particular level however, stress is no longer helpful and begins to cause damage to one’s health, productivity and lifestyle (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2000). Therefore, it is important to determine when one undergoes stress, the reasons for it as well as the many ways through which, they can cope with it. All this can improve their psychological and mental well-being significantly.
As identified by The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) using Palmer Et Al and Cary Cooper’s developments of the working models of work-related stress, there are six significant likely sources of stress or stressors at a work place in general. These are: work demands, work relationships, a person’s control over work, an individual’s role within an organization, career development and the interface
Bibliography: Aziz, S. and Cunningham, J. (2008). Workaholism, work stress, work-life imbalance: exploring gender 's role.. Gender in Management [online]. 23, p.553-566. Available from: <>. [Accessed 25 October 2012]. Melanie, B. (2005). Stress in the Workplace: A General Overview of the Causes, the Effects, and the Solutions. Workplace Stress [online]. 1, p.1-44. Available from: < Place Stress.pdf>. [Accessed 25 October 2012]. How to Keep Control Over the Work Environment [online]. (2009). Available from: <>. [Accessed 25/10/2012]. Stress at Work [online]. (2004). Available from: <>. [Accessed 24/10/2012]. Stress at a workplace [online]. (2007). Available from: <1.>. [Accessed 26/10/2012]. Bloomberg (2011). Stress [online]. Available from: <>. [Accessed 26/10/2012]. Howard Kahn (2011). Organizational Behavior. UK: Heriot Watt. Available from: </webapps/blackboard/execute/launcher?type=Course&id=_65776_1&url=>. [Accessed 24/10/2012].