Movie Analysis:
The Devil Wears Prada
Written By:
Tiffany Rebecca Bangun - 1306438242
Ayu Aprilianti M.Si
Faculty of Economics and Business
University of Indonesia
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Tiffany Rebecca Bangun
Subject : Organizational Behavior
Title of Paper : Movie Analysis: The Devil Wears Prada
Date : 5 April 2015
Lecturer : Ayu Aprilianti M.Si
Summary of the Movie: The Devil Wears Prada
The Devil Wears Prada movie was based on a best selling book by Lauren Weinberger. The story revolves around Andrea Sachs, a 23-year-old Brown University graduate who got a job at one of the most prestigious magazine publisher, Elias Clark. Andrea interviews at Elias Clark and learns that Miranda Priestly, the Editor in Chief of Runway Magazine is looking for a new assistant, a job that was informed to be the job that million girls would kill to have. Although, at first Andrea did not understand why being Miranda’s assistant was a big of a deal. Meeting Miranda, Andrea is pleasantly surprised by the grace a women with such power shows and is pleased with how the interview goes.
At first, Andrea fits in poorly among the gossipy fashionistas who make up the magazine staff. Her lack of knowledge in fashion makes her an object of scorn around the office. Emily Charlton, Miranda’s current and senior assistant was told that if someone works for Miranda for a year and