Business Owner:
As a small business owner, you are the principal strategist and planner. You over see finance and accounting, also handle legal issues. The owner also is in charge for marketing and sales, customer service, and human resources. As a small business owner you have a wide range of varying duties that are critical for beginning and managing a successful business. Depending on the type of business and the stage it is in, the roles and responsibilities change and the owner continually must adapt to thrive.
Chief Financial Officer:
The chief financial officer (CFO) is responsible for the corporation's fiscal matters. Depending on the size of the business, the CFO may provide oversight to staff working in the finance department. In smaller organizations, the CFO may be responsible for day-to-day financial activities, such as signing checks on behalf of the organization. The CFO must maintain accurate records for tax and other purposes.
Business Attorney:
Business lawyers must interpret laws, rulings and regulations, examine legal data to determine advisability, negotiate settlements of civil disputes, conduct legal hearings, decide causes of legal action, use knowledge of legal procedural rules, use public speaking techniques, follow copyright laws, apply court rules or strategy, search legal records, review civil rights laws, use knowledge of the judicial system and follow confidentiality procedures. They must also use their knowledge of relevant laws, use the library or the Internet for research, use conflict resolution techniques and explain government laws or regulations.
Business Tax Accountant/Bookkeeper:
An accountant's job is to record, analyze and report a company or individual's financial status. The accountant functions as an advisor. The client reviews the bookkeeping services and what accountant is telling them about their financial state to make adjustments as needed. More specifically, an accountant keeps accurate