Student Name: Dung Dang, Dung Nguyen, Phuong Tran, Sinh Nguyen, Vinh Phan
Date: November 06th, 2012
Instructor Name: Prof. Douglas Foster
Organizational Culture and Its Positive Effects
Nowadays, organizational culture term is more and more familiar and becoming one of relevant topics in business area. It involves a set of values, norms, relationship, behaviors, and attitude towards an organization operation. Each company has its own culture that should get along with company growth and create distinct characteristics to distinguish the company with other competitors. Even though it functions within the company, it does not only limit at internal performance but expresses the effect to related external environment as well. Depending on its content, weak or strong, the implementation and effect will be different.
This paper would consider organization culture as one of important elements leading to a company success and point out its positive effects, how organizational culture performs and helps in different segments of organization. A strong and proper organizational culture can create a comfortable and pleasurable working environment, which will significantly affect on employees’ working attitude and their contribution for high productivity outcome. Furthermore, it supports on strategy planning process, creates competition advantages for the company’s success as well as company brand image.
Organizational Culture Effects on Productivity
Research evidence confirms that strong culture reducing operating costs and attracting talent to a company (Fombrun, 1996). Organizational culture and productivity are closely related. Simply stated, productivity is the art of getting the company's products and/or services to the customer at the possible lowest cost. Productivity can be considered as a result of motivation, which is how