Strategic management is the process by which the management team determines a firm’s goals. It is achieved by examining internal and external strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities.…
Strategic planning is describes the strategic management as the art of making complex, long-term, future-oriented decisions and taking actions that result in the formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve a company’s objectives. The process focuses on the belief that a firm’s mission can be best achieved through a systematic and comprehensive assessment of both its internal capabilities and its external environment. Strategic management process is the implementation of the company’s strategy by executive management considering its resources, circumstances, and environment to position the organization to complete is mission in a cost-effective, efficient manner. The corporate goals, policies, and tactics are incorporated into this process.…
Pearce, J. A., II & Robinson, R. B. (2011). Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control, Twelfth Edition, p. 42-79. Retrieved on January 27, 2011, from University of Phoenix, Week Two, rEsource. STR/581—Strategic Planning and Implementation.…
Strategic management: The body of knowledge that answers questions about the development and implementation of good strategies; mainly concerned with the determinants of firm performance.…
Organizational learning is an organization-wide ongoing process that improves its collective ability to accept, make sense of, and respond to external and internal change. It requires the collective interpretation and systematic integration of new knowledge that leads to risk taking such as experimentation and to collective action.…
Organizational learning theory states that, in order to be competitive in a changing environment, organizations must change their goals and actions to reach those goals. In order for learning to occur, however, the firm must make a conscious decision to change actions in response to a change in circumstances, must consciously link action to outcome, and must remember the outcome.…
Strategic management is the management to reaching goals and objectives within an organization by using valuable resources.…
Strategic Management, what is this? It is that set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of a corporation. It includes environmental scanning, strategy formulation and implementation, and evolution and control. The study of Strategic Management helps us to monitoring and evaluating the opportunities and threats of a company’s strengths and weaknesses.…
According to Peter Senge (1990) learning organizations are:…organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together (Smith, 2001). A learning organization is an organization – or a network of organizations – that is continually expanding its capacity to create the outcomes to which it aspires (Darling, 2011). Theories of organizational learning attempt to understand the processes which lead to (or prevent) changes in organizational knowledge, as well as the effects of learning and knowledge on behaviors and organizational outcomes (Schulz, 2001). The concept of an organization that learns is not a new one. It started in the fifties and blossomed in the 1990’s,…
2. O’Keeffe, T. 2002. Organizational Learning: a new perspective. Journal of European Industrial Training, 26 (2), pp. 130-141.…
Professionals in the field have defined learning organizations in several ways. Senge first introduced the concept of learning organizations in 1990. He defines learning organizations as organizations where employees constantly increase their ability to produce the outcomes they desire, where fresh and opened-minded thinking is encouraged, where shared ambition is freely accepted, and where people are constantly discovering how to work as a team (Merriam, Baumgartner, & Caffarella, 2007). In 1992, Watkins and Marsick portrayed learning organizations, as organizations characterized by employee participating in performing collaborative acts with shared responsibility for change directed towards common values or beliefs (Smith, 2007). Others in the…
Dixon, N. M., (1999). „The organizational Learning Cycle: How we can Learn Collectively‟. Second Edition…
Senge (2006), defines a learning organization as “an organization where people continually expand the capacity to create the results the truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspirations are set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together”. In other words, an organization will become a learning organization when all members of the organization (management and front-line employees) learn to cooperatively develop, improve on, expand their abilities, and performance through openness and continuous learning based on previous…
Some organizations may react to their environment differently which are categorized into two theories. “The theory of uncertainty and dependence is how organizations maintain a balance throughout changes between organizational outcomes and environmental expectations. The theory of natural selections is how organizations to reach their environment efficiently (Gaines & Worrall, 2011).…
Strategic Management is defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives (David, 11th ed. P.5).…