Teresa Vest
December 4, 2012
Lisa Teeter
Organizational Psychology * Organizational psychology is an important part of organizations, no matter how large or small. Because of the ever growing amount of competition among like organizations and potential for growth, organizational psychology appears vital. Organizational psychologists provide a company with unbiased and new approaches in areas of development and progression using multiple forms of research and analysis. With this paper I will define organizational psychology; the role of research and statistics; the evolution and uses of organizational psychology in companies. * Organizational Psychology * According to Jex (2008), “organizational psychology is a field that utilizes scientific methodology to better understand the behavior of individuals working in organizational settings” (p. 1). Organizational psychology highlights exact performance and on the job conduct; in particular conduct needing immediate change, and presents a plan of action with goals that encourage employee confidence. This discipline of psychology focuses on the organizational relationship between workers, their surroundings through analysis and data retrieval, which produces implementation methods improving effectiveness and overall efficiency. * Evolution of Organizational Psychology * Psychology contains multiple facets and organizational psychology is one that is considered a subfield of industrial psychology. According to Jex & Britt (2008). “organizational psychology is considered a legitimate field of study but it is also a part of the boarder field of I/O Psychology” (p. 3). Organizational psychology is thought of as a formal science performed within organizations with a focus employees both as individuals and a group. The recognized organization is known as such because of the structure and environment of an organization, the