Community based organizations (CBO's) are nonprofit groups that work at a local level to improve life for residents. The focus is to build equality across society in all streams - health care, environment, quality of education, access to technology, access to spaces and information for the disabled, to name but a few. The inference is that the communities represented by the CBO's are typically at a disadvantage. CBO's are typically, and almost necessarily, staffed by local members - community members who experience first hand the needs within their neighborhoods. Besides being connected geographically, the only link between staff members and their interests is often the desire and willingness to help. Occupational skill sets and experience are greatly diverse. The tightrope upon which stability balances in this type of organization is being stretched taut, as the role of the CBO is extended to new lengths. Governments are increasingly delegating responsibility to CBO's and relying on them to gather local concerns, develop, plan, and help deliver solutions. CBO's are storehouses, gatekeepers, of local information obviously valuable for their own purposes, but this data is also
Community based organizations (CBO's) are nonprofit groups that work at a local level to improve life for residents. The focus is to build equality across society in all streams - health care, environment, quality of education, access to technology, access to spaces and information for the disabled, to name but a few. The inference is that the communities represented by the CBO's are typically at a disadvantage. CBO's are typically, and almost necessarily, staffed by local members - community members who experience first hand the needs within their neighborhoods. Besides being connected geographically, the only link between staff members and their interests is often the desire and willingness to help. Occupational skill sets and experience are greatly diverse. The tightrope upon which stability balances in this type of organization is being stretched taut, as the role of the CBO is extended to new lengths. Governments are increasingly delegating responsibility to CBO's and relying on them to gather local concerns, develop, plan, and help deliver solutions. CBO's are storehouses, gatekeepers, of local information obviously valuable for their own purposes, but this data is also