Job satisfaction
Job satisfaction is the way a person feels about his or her job (Jex & Britt, 2008). Job satisfaction is also the attitude a person possesses towards his or her job. A person may feel like his or her job is demanding, interesting, rewarding, or outright stressful, and demeaning. A person who is happy with his or her job demonstrates a positive attitude about the job. Several factors play a key role in how a person feels about his or her job such as emotional intelligence of management, work conditions, pay, promotions, compensation, advancement opportunities, benefits, communication, and recognition.
Impact of Organizational Socialization on Job Satisfaction
Organizational Socialization can be defined as, “The process by which an individual makes the transition from outsider to organizational member: (Jax & Britt, 2008). Organizational Socialization is composed of transitional processes that new employees transition through. The first process of socialization is composed of a “critical task for newcomers to acquire an understanding of the responsibilities and goals of their job expectations” (Jokisaari & Nurmi, 2009) and interaction with other employees. The second process the employee understands the job to perform, understands the company values and goals, and work/life balance can be establish. The third process job satisfaction becomes apparent. In the third process turnover is where an employee leaves the company for a variety of reasons (Jax & Britt. 2008)
One aspect of the turnover phase is job satisfaction if the employee has not evolved between the first two phases most likely the employee will leave the company because of unhappiness with the job role, interacting with others in the company or not able to complete the duties required for the role. Another aspect of job satisfaction is the employee is experiencing a challenge in the role the employee is
References: Jex, S. M. & Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational psychology: A scientist- practitioner approach. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. JOKISAARI, M., & NURMI, J. (2009). CHANGE IN NEWCOMERS ' SUPERVISOR SUPPORT AND SOCIALIZATION OUTCOMES AFTER ORGANIZATIONAL ENTRY. Academy Of Management Journal, 52(3), 527-544. doi:10.5465/AMJ.2009.41330971 Retrieved; September 28, 2012 Kelly, G. (2008). Doing The Right Thing. Retrieved from http://www.southwest.com/assets/pdfs/corporate-commitments/southwestcares.pdf Korte, R. (2009). ‘First, get to know them’: A relational view of organizational socialization. Human resource development international, 13(1), 27–43. doi: 10.1080/13678861003588984 Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Organisational Commitment of Library Personnel in Academic and Research Libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria. (2007). Library Philosophy and Practice 2007, (), .