“The organizational structure is a frame work” (Hax & Majluf, 2001, p. 444). An organizational structure can be compared to that of a building. Be it an organization or an ordinary building, flaws in the structure can lead to its downfall. Organizational structure and culture is vital in facilitating managers and leaders accomplish set objectives. With the growth spurt of technology, today’s business environment is prone to constant changes and a firm structure is required to combat these changes and provide a successful, empowering environment to the leaders and the employees(Hax & Majluf, 2001).
Hax & Majluf have identified some inadequacies in these organizational structures which are 1)Inadequate support for manager development.2)Absence of strategic planning, 3) Imbalance between structure and process, 4) Lack of definition and neglect, 5) Lack of coordination among divisions, 6) Enormous amounts of duplication, 7) Excessive dispersion of functions and, 8) Poor performance and low returns (Hax & Majluf, 2001). Out of the above symptoms I would like to discuss lack of coordination among divisions and excessive duplication.
Lack of coordination among divisions causes a decline in production, process complication and delay in completing specific tasks (Bass, n.d.). To aid in the smooth running of an organization divisions have to cooperate with each other and share ideas and work as a team for a common goal. It is similar to the human body where all the body parts work together to perform normal functions. “By controlling and properly managing work in progress, the organization can work to prevent delays and resulting coordination problems” (Bass, n.d., para. 2).
To ensure that all divisions are working as a team the managers must monitor work and assist employees in areas where help is needed. Departmental shared drives have to be made available to all necessary members so they can share information that is in line with the
References: Bass, B. (n.d.). Signs and symptoms of the lack of coordination in an organization. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/signs-symptoms-lack-coordination-organization-13119.html Hax, A. C., & Majluf, N. S. (2001). Organizational design: A survey and an approach. Operations Research, 29,3, 417-447.