Pathfinder International – Organizational Development and Structure
Pathfinder International, a developed and respected non-profit organization focused on a similar mission of sexual and reproductive health, offers a guide on analyzing and determining type of structure and level of growth for organizations. According to Pathfinder, STSM can best be described as a hierarchical structure. It is led by relatively few managers with few staff under each manager’s control. Managing is directive in nature and the organizational structure resembles a pyramid with a designated leader at the top. Pathfinder uses four levels to categorize organizational growth; Emergent, Launch or Growth, Consolidation and Mature1. Using the Pathfinder analysis, STSM is between Consolidation and Maturity. It has met many but not all of the characteristics of Consolidation, such as having a developed organizational structure, increased diversity of donors, revenue and other support, as well as personnel policies implemented but not consistently followed. While not all wickets are met, STSM is also meeting some of the benchmarks of the Maturity growth phase. The organization is able to support 30-50% of operations from self-generated revenues, staff is developed and training mechanisms are in place, and it has the ability to track cost and project revenue and expenditures. Organizations experiencing disparity between the different growth phases is common and expected. At