Susan Norris
Jon Morse
June 6, 2011
Team C is researching University of Phoenix and the technology used at the school. The team will research new technology, workforce training, and recommendations to stay ahead of future challenges. In addition, team C will cover value chain analysis and primary technology the school uses for instructions. University of Phoenix has extensive support activities that students and instructors access daily. Team C will retrieve information and recommend ideas for UOPX to create a more enjoyable learning environment. The team will also cover the different ways UOPX uses the Internet to market products available to all stakeholders.
University of Phoenix has set itself apart by creating a competitive advantage for working adults seeking to further his or her education. Points of differences include advanced technology and communication networks, service-oriented staff in a virtual environment, and easy access of training modules for students of all levels. Although technology has proved a point of difference for UOPX, it also is a hurdle for those intimidated by new advancements. Fear of technology is a consideration. The target market for UOPX is adults who have been away from college for 10-15 years or more. With this market comes a clientele removed from technology that did not exist when he or she enrolled in high school or college. This supports a strategy of establishing partnerships with organizations such as Microsoft or Apple to assist in managing server workload as well as attracting new customers. Staying ahead of the technology curve is essential, and organizations such as Apple can introduce new customers as well as offer new mediums of communication that can bring more awareness to each brand. One example would be developing an Apple tutorial available within the UOPX library. This would help
References: Regan, E., & O 'Connor, B. (2002). End-User Information Systems: Implementing Individual and Work Group Technologies Deggs, D. Grover, K. Kacirek, K. (Sep. 2010) EXPECTATIONS OF ADULT GRADUATE STUDENTS IN AN ONLINE DEGREE PROGRAM. College Student Journal, 01463934, Sep2010, Vol. 44, Issue 3 retrieved June 4, 2011 from EBSCOhost Bateman, T.S., & Snell, S.A University of Phoenix, (2006-2011), retrieved on June 2, 2011 from Change Management Learning Center NetMBA: Business Knowledge Center, Strategy. (2010). The Value Chain. Retrieved from W3C Web Accessibility initiative