Quinn Gilronan
CG 101/111 Brown
May 7th, 2013 In order to do well throughout college, certain steps are necessary to create a firm
grasp on the information you take in while in class. Simply being in class every day won’t
be enough to prepare you for quizzes and exams. In the last paper, note taking was shown
to have a very important role in your success in college. The ability to organize study
materials (I.E. Notes, textbooks, old tests and quizzes) is nearly as important and also
benefits from proper note taking skills. When you’re trying to organize your materials before
a study session, you should first make sure that you’re mentally prepared to take in
information and store it for later use, set up a study space that works well for you and will
allow you to study uninterrupted with help or resources close at hand. And lastly, you should
arrange a time to study prior to a test and allow yourself a place in which you can study
without being disturbed or distracted.
As you begin organize the material that you will be using, seek out ways to
condense the information, finding the key concepts and main ideas is the best way to learn
something quickly and if you want it to stick. As you go through your previous notes and
tests or exams, you can collect the problems that you had trouble with and set them in one
of the many different kinds of organizers and study charts. For reading, cornell notes or
simply bullet points could be used, while math might require a three-column study chart or a
graphic organizer for formulas, for