Good morning my dear students. I take this opportunity to welcome you all once again to this institution. To all of the students here, congratulations once again for your successful completion of your CIE O level.
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and perceive, it can achieve."
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."
I know that even though all of you are physically present in this room right now, you are all not feeling the same way. Some of you are so anxious for these speeches to be over, so you can get up out of your seats and start exploring different parts of the campus. Some of you are really excited to be here and to begin what is going to be the best two years of your schooling. Some of you are probably wishing you were back home right now hanging out with all of your friends because you’re starting your A level, and well, you’re kind of a big deal. But all of you are here and even though it may not seem like it right now, you all have something to look forward to, trust me which is an A level.
A’ level is not a simple one, like other grades, it’s the foundation for your degree programme. I see many bright students who has achieved greater grades at O level becomes less serious at A level. I doubt why???? This transition is always been a serious one. Students should make up their mind to accept this transition from O level to A level. It requires and demands lot of dedication and involvement. What is most important here in this level???
The answer is simple: dedication and serious preparation. I always advise my beloved students to practice these tips to be successful in their A level:
1. Practice regularly
2. Plan regularly, ie., plan your work and work your plan.
3. A’ levels are all about application of the concepts and learn accordingly.
4. Each topics should be learnt with incorporating all the 4 skills,