Survivors of the mass shooting have suffered from post traumatic stress disorder, resulting in depression, night terrors, pay cuts and overall insecurity. Officer Delgado, a police officer that responded to the 911 calls, has said “... he has spent the past few months being treated for nightmares and depression while managing red tape and cuts in his take-home pay because he no longer earns overtime” (Delgado). Survivors of the attack are likely to avoid places such as gay night clubs, bars, etc. Some people who were injured may have flashbacks to the shooting frequenting night clubs. Many who have flashbacks to this night experience panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Some victims may not be comfortable expressing their sexuality or opening up about it. A large majority of the people who were injured were young, and Pulse may of been their first gay nightclub experience. Due to these attacks, many members of the LGBTQ+ Community may also be hesitant to express their sexuality in
Survivors of the mass shooting have suffered from post traumatic stress disorder, resulting in depression, night terrors, pay cuts and overall insecurity. Officer Delgado, a police officer that responded to the 911 calls, has said “... he has spent the past few months being treated for nightmares and depression while managing red tape and cuts in his take-home pay because he no longer earns overtime” (Delgado). Survivors of the attack are likely to avoid places such as gay night clubs, bars, etc. Some people who were injured may have flashbacks to the shooting frequenting night clubs. Many who have flashbacks to this night experience panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Some victims may not be comfortable expressing their sexuality or opening up about it. A large majority of the people who were injured were young, and Pulse may of been their first gay nightclub experience. Due to these attacks, many members of the LGBTQ+ Community may also be hesitant to express their sexuality in