Any successful television series will have …show more content…
At a surface level, the show reinforces the strength of the nature vs nurture argument. The clones share the same nature, and yet all of them are so vastly different because of their unique journey through life, such as Sarah being smart and intuitive compared to Helena’s deranged sense of urgency. With this comes identity, being proud of what makes one important and distinguishes the person from others. Each clone serves a different purpose to help towards their cause, be it Cosima’s scientific research or Sarah’s brave spirit. Furthermore, their clone status brings up ethical questions. Does the organization who authorized their development have the right to treat them as property or do they own their own bodies. And for people in general, must everyone conform to social norms and be treated as children of modern culture, or ought people to have an ultimate freedom to choose what one does with their life? These topics are not inherently answered, still they do bring to light topics to debate. All in all, Orphan Black brings a lot to the table as far as offering an exclusive experience. Through believable characters, cinematography that enhances emotion, impressive visual effects that suspend disbelief, a perfect mixture of genres, and smart subtext, the show has garnered fans of all variety and succeeds in keeping regular viewership. While the show is dark and mature, it takes this as an opportunity to express a modern view of the female identity and offer a fun mix of obvious fiction and gritty