Flight 77, United Airlines 175, American Airlines Flight 11, and United Airlines Flight 93 took over four Boeing 747 aircrafts and crashed them into three gigantic monumental buildings with a sufficient amount of people in them. America was under an act of terrorism, this was a declaration of war. On September 12, 2001 the search for the person in charge of these demented, absurd acts of hatred began. The CIA agent who is in charge of this manhunt is unidentified due to the government protecting her name; but the 2012 movie Zero Dark Thirty had given her a pseudonym and her name is Maya there was no last name given for Maya in Zero Dark Thirty. Maya put her determination to work, to search for the the man who committed these acts of war; although she went through a lot of backlash with the media. The search and seizure of Osama Bin Laden was falsified under the misconceptions about Maya, misunderstanding spread through Zero Dark Thirty, and overall media confusion.
The film Zero Dark Thirty gave an abounding amount of misconceptions about Maya. It is profoundly reassuring that a needle can be found in a haystack; it may take a decade, may take innocent lives away, and may costs billions of dollars. According to Maya in the film Zero Dark Thirty “insisted on locating this particular needle will forestall any further lethal jabs,” (Carruthers, 1). The final positive identification of Osama Bin Laden is left for Maya to reveal; she cautiously unzips the body bag containing the unidentified man. The film questions whether Maya gives up some of her humanities to dedicate herself to the search and seizure of Osama Bin Laden. Everything in the the film is full of preparation and waiting; Maya put her dedication to work and hunted for the killer for over a decade. With all of dedication it came with the waiting game and great deal of preparation; all of the information needed to be in ordered, it is dealing with other people's lives in stake. It is going to take a great deal of time to be able to pull off a tactic this enormous. Given no backstory, Maya occasionally has a drink to unwind during the rugged nights of the manhunt. Maya finds moments in her job that makes her feel ignored because she is a women doing a “man's job”; this insists her to speak out and make herself be heard. Maya has the capability of being able to hold her tongue, but also can make herself be heard at the same time. The 2012 film shows her frustrations during this long period of time.
Although there were misconceptions about Maya there was also a great deal of misunderstanding spread through the entirety of the film Zero Dark Thirty. The 2012 Grammy Award winning film Zero Dark Thirty is grossly inaccurate and misleading according to The Washington Post. The film divulges a sufficient amount of operational secrets to an enemy that is ready to attack. The producers of the film describe the film as “an exciting hybrid” of investigation reportings and drama that chronicles the 10 year manhunt. All of the politics in the movie has been eliminated; there was no pictures or statements made from the President of the United States George W. Bush, no background information on the Iraq War; and the current President of the United States during the time Barack Obama never was seen announcing the success of the 2011 raid of the compound which Osama Bin Laden was assassinated in. All the interrogation techniques were effective but incorrect and inaccurate. The Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein and Senator Carl Levin wrote a strongly worded letter, in their statements they announced that Wednesdays film producers should understand the “depictions of torture are not based on facts but rather part of the film’s fictional narrative.” This remark is stating that the interrogation techniques that were used are for the film’s dramatization about the real events that occurred during the development for information. People have reviewed CIA records and reassured that this information is erroneous. An example of the false information is the waterboarding that took place in the middle of the film; it was a dramatization of the actual events that occurred. Information that was released in the film was unrelated to CIA detention and interrogation program. As anyone can see there was an abundant amount of misunderstandings spread through Zero Dark Thirty. The overall media confusion was the whole reason there was falsified information pertaining the killing of Osama Bin Laden in the first place.
All of the politics from Zero Dark Thirty was eliminated to refrain on false information spread. “ ‘Zero Dark Thirty' is a disturbing, fantastically-made movie. It will make you hate torture,” (Brainy Quotes). This quote is spoken by Michael Moore according to how the interrogation process was conducted in the Zero Dark Thirty. The interrogation tactics were shown incorrectly. An example of is the waterboarding technique they used was misleading and inaccurate according to the Washington Post. Waterboarding is when an interrogation technique simulating the experience of drowning, in which a person is strapped, face up, to a board that slopes downward at the head, while large quantities of water are poured over the face into the breathing passages (Webster). The movie received a lot of backlash from the media for this interrogation method. The media was saying that waterboarding was the eventual death of Osama Bin Laden, although it is clearly shown in the film Osama was shot multiple times in the head. The media also expressed that there was no psychological and emotional details showed in the film which is false because Maya cried at the final scene in the movie; Maya also showed anger during the film when people were giving her an enormous amount of backlash. That is how the media confusion released falsified information on the killing of Osama Bin
Laden. The search and seizure of Osama Bin Laden was falsified under misunderstanding spread through Zero Dark Thirty, misconceptions about Maya, and overall media confusion. Will anyone really find out what really happened in the compound the night of the assassination of Osama Bin Laden?
Works Cited
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