Osborne theory on Newfoundland’s identification with Ireland is that they became accustomed to the irish culture because it was something that in some way countered of “British imperialism and Canadian modernity”.
2)What is Osborne’s plan for the article?
Osbourne ultimately plans to show how the evolution of music influence a cultural revolution and give significance to sense of place in a certain area. Osborne’s plan for this article is to show the historical, political, societal and cultural impact of colonization influenced a counter movement and shows how these forces can shape a certain place to identify with another culture that brought them salvation.
3)Name …show more content…
The second period was Ryan Fancy’s the NL Cultural Revival. The third period is the Fidder Seamus Creaugh and Trans-Atlantic Musical Exchanges. The three case studies Osbourne studies in the article are
6) How were disconnected Newfoundlanders brought together in the first period? In the first period, disconnected Newfoundlanders were brought together by radio because it functioned as a social event. This was a type of bonding time for families and friends to intimately share their experiences. Ultimately, music played on the radio progressively became something they expected hear as it also gave them a musical sense of place.
7) Describe the Newfoundland cultural revival. How did Ryan’s Fancy contribute to that?
Ryan’s Fancy contributed to the Newfoundland cultural revival because it gave the community a balance between Newfoundland and Irish musical sense of place. As described in the article, it gave people the impression how something can be transition from the “kitchen to the stage”. Shows and music played on the radio brought families together on the couch to enjoy something they felt familiar with. As Ryan’s Fancy began to air on television on programs like CBC, Newfoundlanders developed a strong sense of cultural identity in their