Oscar Wilde's takeoff of his career and, his shaping of his characteristic style of works could be both considered originating from his fairy tales. The publication of these fairy tales must have come as a surprise to those who had known him only as the notorious aesthete, an author of copyist poems and sentimental dramas. It was not until his first collection of fairy tales had come out that he was regarded as an influential author. The first publication of his collection of fairy tales “The Happy Prince and other tales” in 1888 received acceptance from the critics. Oscar was being encouraged to send copies to such notable personas as Gladstone, Ruskin and Pater. Touched by the hearty reactions, he then, three years later preceded to publish a second collection “A House of Pomegranates”. Wilde’s fairy tales achieved great success, in German-speaking countries these two collections appeared in more than twenty different translations between 1902 and 1976. This success may be linked to the late nineteen twenties, just after the second World War, when many readers, after all tribulations, would have felt the need for a dream world filled with beauty and serenity, a world where good conquers evil. Also a big part of his success was due to the
Oscar Wilde's takeoff of his career and, his shaping of his characteristic style of works could be both considered originating from his fairy tales. The publication of these fairy tales must have come as a surprise to those who had known him only as the notorious aesthete, an author of copyist poems and sentimental dramas. It was not until his first collection of fairy tales had come out that he was regarded as an influential author. The first publication of his collection of fairy tales “The Happy Prince and other tales” in 1888 received acceptance from the critics. Oscar was being encouraged to send copies to such notable personas as Gladstone, Ruskin and Pater. Touched by the hearty reactions, he then, three years later preceded to publish a second collection “A House of Pomegranates”. Wilde’s fairy tales achieved great success, in German-speaking countries these two collections appeared in more than twenty different translations between 1902 and 1976. This success may be linked to the late nineteen twenties, just after the second World War, when many readers, after all tribulations, would have felt the need for a dream world filled with beauty and serenity, a world where good conquers evil. Also a big part of his success was due to the