Will brand osim survive in today’s market?
Introduction to the segment of holistic lifestyle products and their need in today’s market
Short intro to brand osim and its heritage
A short study on what has been osim’s market standing in asia (this will help ease the swot analysis in the essay)
Introducing what the essay will be about – will & How osim can survive in the market
Starting with strength
Asia’s no.1 preferred healthy lifestyle brand
Since it already has top of the mind recall and customer trust (and loyalty) behind it, it can position itself in America just as it positions itself in the Asian markets. It can position itself as an Asian holistic brand in the American markets.
Given its already numero uno status in asia – osim can increase its sales by changing up its method of advertising (tvc, print and more outdoor) and creating more brand awareness.
Weakness & opportunity
Luxury brand – expensive turn around and introduce a need to make it seem as a medically beneficial product needed by one and all
It’s main weakness is that it is priced as a luxury product which ensures that biggest consumer base of middle class looks at it as a luxury rather than a necessity.
To take care of this, osim can price itself competitively and concentrate on its product placements (example, residential areas – lobby’s) it can also try the free product use for a limited period, so people can first hand see the benefits of the product.
Given its business model (u.s) osim can also innovate its products to suit the needs of the American consumer.
Cheap products which make use of the same technology that osim uses
Less priced local products
Any competitor who will sell the same array of products at a lower price.
Long shelf life of its products (no one will buy a massage chair everyday) threatens the business model itself.
Introduce the big question, whether or not you think osim will