How does the solution a cell is in effect the movement of substances into and out of the cell?
Eggs were soaked in vinegar for twenty-four hours before the lab to dissolve the shell, then placed them into the distilled water. Then the eggs were taken out and dried by the paper towel to measure their weight on the electronic scale.
First egg weighted 78.92g, most of the parts of it’s skin was white translucent, and was spongy. After the egg was submerged into the salt solution, it floated on the medium height. Twenty-four hours later, in solution, the egg was a bit swollen. After it was taken out of the solution, it looked completely white. It weighted 80.96g. I gained 2% of it’s weight.
Second egg weighted 70.56g, most of the parts of it’s skin was yellowish translucent, and was very squishy. After the egg …show more content…
Salt is a concentration gradient and it does not diffuse, so the water gets in egg till the concentration inside and outside of the egg is equilibrium. It has a situation where we can say that Hypotonic occurred, because the water moved into the egg.
The egg placed in the syrup solution loss 38% of it’s weight. Fructose is a concentration gradient and it diffuse, so the water gets out of the egg till the concentration outside and inside of the egg is equilibrium. It has a situation where we can say that Hypertonic occurred, because the water moved out of the egg.
The egg in the distilled water gained 24% of weight.
This lab contains lots of weaknesses. There were two manipulated variables in this lab, the eggs’ weight and the solution in the beaker.There were two labs because of vinegar lab and three solutions lab. If I get a chance to repeat this experiment, I would choose to have eggs that has the same weight or reasonable difference. Second thing that I would prefer is to measure the weight before putting eggs in the