Based on the medical report dated 10/19/16, the patient complains of right knee pain, rated 7/10. Patient has progressive chronic bilateral knee pain. He has had the pain for over ten years. He states that the pain is localized to the inferior and medial aspect of his right knee. His pain lasts for hours at a time, is dull and achy in quality. It is worse upon waking in the morning and gets better throughout the day, but by night time, it returns. He tries to exercise in a pool, or on a bike every day, and it helps improve his pain and stiffness. He also ices it which helps, and tried Supartz injections in 2013, which he found beneficial. Patient …show more content…
On examination of the right knee, there is redness, quadriceps atrophy, effusion, warmth, spasm, tight hamstring and tenderness to the medial and lateral joint lines. There is also tenderness of the patellofemoral facet, patellofemoral grind, crepitus, and positive Posterior draw test.
Range of motion shows extension of 30 degrees and flexion of 95 degrees.
IW was diagnosed with unilateral primary osteoarthritis of the right knee.
Patient will continue with his independent home exercise program.
The patient is a good candidate for viscosupplementation of the right knee as he has tried and failed multiple conservative measures, including rest, ice, physical therapy and over-the-counter medications. Prior viscosupplementation series provided significant relief for upwards of 1 year.
Patient has had a trial of Supartz in the past with successful