Lieutenant of Venice’s Lieutenant Arrested
By Jake Hurrell – January 19th 2013
CYPRUS – The Lieutenant of Venice, Othello was quite embarrassed of his own Lieutenants actions last night. Cassio, Othello’s Lieutenant was arrested last night at Othello’s celebration for the defeat of the Turkish fleet.
Cassio was arrested after violently attacking Roderigo, a Venetian gentleman. Cassio’s arrests consist of intoxication and public disturbance. Othello speaks of Cassio’s feat “Whats; the matter; That you unlace your reputation thus; And spend your rich opinion for the name; Of a night-brawler?”
Although realizing his actions, “Reputaion, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my; reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what; remains is my bestial.” Cassio’s behaviour did not go un-noticed and was shortly dismissed as Othello’s Lieutenant, a hard earned position.
Cassio describes the persuader of his violent actions, alcohol “O; thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be; known by, let us call thee devil!”
Othello, Lieutenant of Venice
Witness at the party, Iago depicts the scene he saw, “There comes a fellow crying out for help,; And Cassio following him with determined sword; to execute him. Sir, this gentleman; Steps into Cassio and entreats his pause.; Myself the crying fellow did pursue,; Lest by his clamour-as it so fell out-; The town might fall in fright. He, swift of foot,; Outran my purpose; and I return’d the rather; For that I heard the clink and fall of swords…” Local police department suspects Cassio was antagonized but they are still unclear as to how and why Cassio was brought to this violent manner. Cassio was arrested as well as fired from his