
Othello: Racism And Jealousy

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Othello: Racism And Jealousy
In the history of mankind there are both many accomplishments and many failures. As time elapsed many think that mankind has evolved for the better. That we have become better husbands, wives, and children. That we have become society that others in the world can learn from. However, some have forgotten the time in which that same society had once failed. That one failure being racism. It is an issue that was present long ago and is still present to this day. We as that so called “better society” have forgotten those who have struggled a while ago. There are many articles and stories that one can read to understand the struggle. But one of the most interesting pieces to display this issue is Othello by William Shakespeare. For Othello was a …show more content…
It is here where Shakespeare introduces the topic of racism and jealousy to begin his endeavors. One of the main reasons to include the topic of race and jealous in Othello is to create tension between the characters, especially in between Iago and Othello. For this would be the start of an ongoing battle between them for complete control and vengeance. As shown in the first act of the play both Iago and Roderigo expressing there hatred towards Othello. Iago on one hand hates that he didn’t make him lieutenant. On the other Roderigo doesn’t appreciate Othello marrying the love of his life in Desdemona. Both these characters now have some sort of animosity towards Othello, but the reasoning is uncertain. It isn’t until Iago states, “Now, you tell me: should I feel loyal to the Moor?” (2: 39-41). Here it is made clear that not only does Iago despise him but he views him as a Moor as well. A Moor in this case being an African-American, which was a phrase meaning one of the lowest in class. This exact representation of Othello being a Moor is even furthered when Iago calls Othello “an old black ram…” (4: 91). All this just supports the claim that Iago is a racist individual. One view that is cemented in Iago’s mind is the term “other”. As defined by Anne Marie Hacht, the term other means an individual who is in a location from which they don’t originate. Othello one being African American and two a non-Venetian/Cyprian was the “other” in this case. It is here, in which the matter of race and jealousy come up. As Iago does not like people from outside, like Othello, ruling them. For he thinks that Othello might try to take over his crown and he won’t be able to get it

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