“Something in the field of Science, probably research.” But when I sit back and think, I often feel like becoming a teacher, not just to teach children, but to change their point of view of achieving excellence, not good marks or scores. At times, children don't see how much knowledge they have. They measure this knowledge by marks and not by how much they have understood. And when they score less, they think they are not intelligent. I, being in ninth standard, have also seen my friends crying for marks and I also feel extremely bad if I score less but I feel worse about the stupid mistakes I make. But no one realizes that there is a positive side of scoring less : you get to improve and ensure that you don' t repeat the mistakes you have made. We can't really blame only the children for treating marks as the most important thing. The parents are also to be blamed. I have often seen my classmates becoming tense more because of the fear of getting scolded by their parents than because of their exam results.This should not happen.
The parents should encourage the children, and not pressurise them. Some teachers are also to be blamed, teaching and telling students to do well in exams focusing primarily on marks. They are the ones making our education system work as it is working right now.
This should change. The teachers, parents and the education system must realise how much burden they are putting on the little children who are like tender and delicate buds, which often are unable to bloom into flowers because of this burden Also, I feel that our current education system is also responsible for this in many ways. Our education system stresses only on marks and so the children also think that marks are more important than learning and they study only for scoring, not for learning something new. This creates a burden on the children and they are pressurised. This can result in the children being depressed. Also, as we all know many children are even commiting suicide because of this depression. Besides, there are many children who may not be good in studies but may be good in other activities such as sports. Such children are not encouraged as they are taught that they won't be able to earn a livelihood through sports and so they have to concentrate on their studies and if they do not do well, they are criticized by their parents. There also may be many students who may not be good at studies but may not know any of their other talents as they may not have been given any opportunities to explore their talents. They are discouraged and criticized by their parents just because they are not good at studies. Besides having some negative points, our education system has some positive points also. For example, the education system stresses on important subjects like Maths. Also, our education system is structured in having a well defined plan. This may constrain good students interested in pusuits other than just academics. For example, a student may be interested in music but may not be able to pursue it as a hobby because of lack of time or freedom. But our education system being structured may benefit average or poor students who are not capble of taking decisions independently. For example, a student who is not able to decide which subject to choose does not have to worry much as there are not too many choices given and decisions to take. The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE), realizing the stress that students are facing, has just introduced a new system called Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE).
Under CCE, teachers evaluate students not only based on their studies and marks but other parameters such as participation in various other activities like school programmes, sports, attitude towards teachers, classmates etc. CCE ensures that a student who is good at sports but not studies is given equal importance. So, a child not so good at studies can also be promoted to the next class based on his/her grades art, craft, sports etc. Now comes the question what I would like to change about the education system. First of all, all students, whether good or bad at studies must be treated equally and given equal importance.
Teachers should help children in recognizing their talents and nurturing the talents, no matter whether they are in the field of studies, sports, craft, arts or anything else. Also, children who are not so good at studies must be encouraged and efforts should be made to develope their interest in studies. Last but not the least, the view point that marks are the most important thing in the world must be changed. The children should be told that marks or grades do not necessarily tell whether one is intelligent or not. It is how much one understands and how much he/she is creative that decides whether he/she is intelligent or not.
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