Prompt the user to input a username and password. Password must be invisible or may not be seen by anyone. If the username and password matched in the specified username and password of the program the user will proceeds otherwise ask to try again.
Username : saicy
Password : *****
Username / Password do not match!
Try again[Y/N]:y
Username : saicy
Password :
Press enter to proceed..
Welcome saicy to my program!
[Q] Sequential
[L] Selection
[I] Iteration
[A] Array
[F] Function
[E] Exit
Enter your choice: Q
Selection Programs
[M]Money Denomination
[G] Computer Grade
[C] Circle
Enter your choice: M
Money Denomination
Enter number of coins per value
10 pesos coin: 2
5 pesos coin : 4
1 peso coin : 2
25 centavo coin: 4
You have total of 12 coins amounting to Php. 43.00
Compute Grade Problem
Compute for the grade of student given the formula GRADE = 10% Assign + 20% Seat work + 30% Quiz + 40% Exam
The grades inputted are in percentage having 75% as passing and 100% as the perfect score.
Circle Problem
Input the Radius of a circle and output the AREA, CIRCUMFERENCE and DIAMETER
Selection Programs
[H] Horoscope
[D] Date
[C] Call Charges
Enter your choice: H
Horoscope problem
This program returns the corresponding Zodiac Sign of the user given the birth date of the user in mmddyyyy(01011990) format. After the user placed his birth date the program will output the zodiac sign and the birth date of the user (CAPRICORN – January 1, 2010). If the input of the user happens to be the current date, in short the current date is his/her birthday, greet the user a “Happy Birthday” and if the birthday of the user is still to come output the number of the remaining days.
Date Problem
It is known that January starts on a Sunday. Make a program that would input a DATE(1-31) and output the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday….Sunday) as well as which week