Sustainable Design
Elli Verhulst
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Casper Boks
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
In sustainable product development literature the main focus has traditionally been on developing tools and methods to integrate sustainability in company processes.
Attention was given mostly to technical aspects of products and processes, while the role of the individual employee and how this role can make or break the implementation of such processes was largely ignored. Eight case studies in Belgian and Dutch firms, relatively experienced with implementation of sustainability in product development, suggest that empowerment and communication are of utmost importance.
Training is found to be an important way of transferring knowledge on sustainability issues. Support for the employees is another issue that should get sufficient attention during the implementation process. The empirical data from the case studies suggests that this support at first is provided by external experts, and then evolves towards internal support by internal experts or sustainability coordinators. When a larger group of employees gets involved, support for them needs to be readily available, e.g. in the form of a group of trained ambassadors. The acquired insights are summarised as implications for managers, distinguishing between firms that have less and more experience with integrating sustainability criteria in product design.
Elli Verhulst is a post-doc researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, with a background in industrial design, sustainable design and integration of sustainability in business.
Previously she worked as a business tool developer at the University of
Cambridge, UK, as a researcher and lecturer at the University of Antwerp,
Belgium and as a sustainable innovation consultant at shiftN, Belgium.
Casper Boks is
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