In the context of passive female characters, it is interesting to note that Mary Shelley’s mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was the author of the strongly feminist A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. One can argue that Frankenstein represents a rejection of the male attempt to usurp (by unnatural means) what is properly a female endeavor—birth. One can also interpret the novel as a broader rejection of the aggressive, rational, and male-dominated science of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. Though it was long met with mistrust, this science increasingly shaped European society. In this light, Frankenstein can be seen as prioritizing traditional female domesticity with its emphasis on family and interpersonal…
Imagine a world where you create a being out of disembodied people. A said being that has such a terrifying effect that you are horrified to look at. The main character of the Frankenstein does such thing. The novel Frankenstein is a well known source of literary canon and is worthy of continuous study. Mary Shelley’s Romantic novel, Frankenstein, is worthy of continued study due to its literary canon, achieved through her commentary of men in a State of Nature and their Marxist struggle of power. The Creature who is created by Victor, goes through a journey of self discovery and lets his persona be shaped by outside forces. State of Nature essentially makes him bad, and his Marxist struggle for power over his creator Victor leads to his downfall.…
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein novel is about man trying to conquer the knowledge of the world and nature. This endeavor ultimately leads to his failure. In this novel there are references to a work by John Milton called Paradise Lost. In Paradise Lost God creates a man Adam and a woman Eve; Satan later tempts them to eat the forbidden fruit of knowledge and they do (Dudczak). Once they eat the fruit they are cast from Paradise forever (Dudczak). Mary Shelley uses this allusion in her novel to show her opinion of Enlightenment as she herself was a Gothic Romantic. Shelley believed that trying to conquer nature would only lead to failure.…
In the novel of Frankenstein, the monster demonstrates a very “mad” character. When it comes to justice or injustice to the monster, he leans towards justice. Due to the reason of his loneliness, he retaliates. The monster has a need for vengeance due to the reaction he gets from people, additionally, he was successful when victor died, and the significance for this as a whole was to be loved.…
I believe that people are born neither inherently good nor evil, but are created as blank slates to be constructed by childhood impressions and other life experiences. In my opinion, the concepts of good and bad are impossible to be natural instinct. Rather, these ideas are mainly formed by the guidance and direction from one’s parents, and also by observation of the environment, and how others handle specific interactions.…
An anonymous post found on states, “The loneliest people are the kindest; the saddest people smile the brightest; the most dangerous people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do”. Although these people may have suspicious appearances, they are not always as evil as the others thought. They may get hurt or heart-broken once before. So, they realized that having close relationships is not a perfect choice. They would like to just hide themselves in a dark and cold corner, but they held interesting and thoughtful books instead of knives. Their hearts had locked, but a long time ago, they had opened their hearts widely to others. Because they noticed the reality is always…
The novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, is written about a man Walton who goes on a journey to the North Pole. Walton’s ship becomes trapped in ice, and this is where Walton sees two men dog sledding. One man, who looks very frail, is invited onto Walton’s ship. The man, who goes by Frankenstein, shares Walton his story how he built this monster. This monster, angry at Frankenstein, kills all his loved ones in revenge for creating him. A main theme in this novel is the struggle between human morality and whether the monster is naturally evil or was it his decisions that caused him to act evil. This is a major concept discussed by two Enlightenment Philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.…
Frankenstein is an outcast because he shuts out and loses all of his family and friends as the creature is so hideous he is alienated by everyone including his creator. Both of them have an obsession with revenge on the other that increases more and more throughout the novel. Frankenstein and the creature become so similar by the end of the novel one could say that they may be the same person because of their thirst and craving for revenge and the misery of the other, how they would do anything to get their revenge on the other, and furthermore how they hurt other people trying to find and deliver their…
3a. This book cover does not correlate with my preconceived notions about Frankenstein because there is a naked man instead of the stereotypical green and blockhead monster.…
In the world of Frankenstein if you aren’t normal then you are automatically ostracized by the world. But it seems like it has been that way since the beginning of time. In the book, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, a man named Victor Frankenstein created a monster. This monster came to be known as Frankenstein but was never actually named. When introduced into the world, Frankenstein is automatically shunned by the people. Nobody ever starts out evil, they become evil by the way that world treats them and looks down on them. Frankenstein is not really evil, he just wants to be loved but nobody will give him a chance because of the way he looks and that is what drives the monster out of him.…
Have you ever felt judged or as if no one wanted to accept you? Well, then you may share some similarities with the monster in Frankenstein. Throughout the novel the monster searches for someone to accept him. However, the people in the novel cannot see past the monsters looks. I think this can teach us that we live in a world where looks and appearance will always dominate a person’s opinion. We rely on visuals too much and do not even bother to look deeper into a person if their appearance does not please us. In my opinion, what makes a person who they truly are is their character and personality.…
After studying for several years at Ingolstadt and gaining a reputation as a brilliant science student, Dr. Frankenstein would start experimenting with reanimation, which is what many would consider the beginning of the end for Victor. The wretch is created after many raids of morgues and cemeteries and several failed attempts at reanimating dead tissue. Victor’s obsession with granting life to the lifeless will lead to his downfall, with his endless pursuit for immortality leading to him creating in his words a “new species” that would “bless me as its creator and source…” (pg. 53). Victor warns that knowledge, while powerful, can be used for great evil as well as tremendous good, stating “Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.” (pg. 53)…
Frankenstein’s egotistical desire to create life was only to prove his supreme power over life and death itself. He created life without considering the ramifications of doing so. He had no loving pre-conception feelings for the child he was bringing into this world. It was always just an experiment. He failed to consider how a being such as he designed would be accepted into society and how someone so grossly disfigured and massively proportioned would fit in with other being. It is his deformity and general appearance that causes his isolation and rejection from society.…
In Frankenstein, by Mary Shelly, Victor creates a monster who murders his loved ones. Victor could have prevented two of the female deaths but chose not to in both of the events, which provided proof that women were not of importance. By allowing all of the female characters to die, Mary Shelly was displaying how women were so disposable. In this paper, I will provide details on how women were seen and treated during the book.…
Victor Frankenstein’s monster, appearing in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, represents a sympathetic character. The monster is a sympathetic character because he is in search for a companion: being abandoned by his creator and rejected by society, who misunderstands him. He’s shown the ideal family dynamic through the De Lacey’s, and he shows selflessness to save a girl from drowning, later being shot as a result. This abomination without a name gradually acquires sympathy throughout the text.…