The psychodynamic approach states that abnormality is caused by our libido (sexual desires) and our thantos (aggressive desires), these are our id desires. The id is an irrational part of our personality and demands satisfaction and is ruled by the pleasure principle. The ego is a conscious part of the personality, as a child interacts with the world and the constraints of reality. It is therefore governed by the reality principle. The superego embodies our conscious sense of right and wrong. The id, ego and superego work together, for example, if there was some money on a table with a person sat at the table with it, your id desire would be to just go over and take the money. Then your ego would step in and realise the constraints of reality and tell you to wait until no one is looking and then take the money. However, your superego would then step in and tell you that it is wrong to steal and you shouldn’t do it and that your parents taught you not to steal. Abnormality stems from an imbalance in these three things, for example, anxiety disorders can be caused by an over developed superego.…
The definition of abnormality is crucial to establish whether someone is diagnosed as mentally ill, and the treatment that the patient receives is primarily based on the diagnosis. To determine if someone bizarre behavior is an indicator of a psychological disorder, mental health professionals may use specific criteria such as context and persistence of the behavior, subjective distress, effect on functioning, to name a few.…
The biological approach sees abnormality as a physical illness and removes psychological blame and responsibility for the behaviour form the patients.…
To help illustrate our research on abnormal psychology, this section will compare and contrast normal and abnormal psychology. Normal psychology focuses on the different ways different people see life and want to live life, rather than relying on generalizations made about whole populations of people. These generalizations can often do harm because without proper consideration they can often imply norm of behavior inimical to a person’s existence. A normal psychology in this way doesn’t imply a perfect individual existence, nor that there aren’t any pathologies.…
Abnormality is deviating from what is considered the normal or usual behaviour as a society, normal is a statistical standard defined by what society are managing and what society considers socially acceptable or deviant or what the standard of adequate functioning meaning are they capable to cope with everyday life? There is a concept of ideal mental health this is a state of contentment we all strive to achieve. Abnormal behaviour can be understood by the biological and psychological models of abnormality these consider explanations to why people suffer with mental illness; mental illness is defined by a condition which causes serious disorder in a person’s behaviour or thinking, the…
Even though abnormal psychology is a highly controversial aspect of psychology, often challenges define and classify normal and abnormal behavior. Abnormal psychology has evolved into a scientific discipline and several theories have advanced our comprehension of psychology through theoretical models. Abnormal psychology is defined as a branch of psychology that correlates with psychopathology and abnormal behavior. The word describes a broad range of illnesses, from depression to obsession-compulsion, to sexual deviance and several more. Certified counselors, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists often…
Another definition of Abnormality is Failure to Function Adequately. Rosenhan & Seligman (1989) suggested that psychological abnormality should be defined as a range of characteristics that suggest a person is failing to function adequately in their daily life. Essentially this means that they may not be able to adapt to life healthily, may be experiencing personal…
Deviation from social norms is a definition of abnormality. The word ‘deviation’ in this definition is referring to deviant behaviour (behaviour which is considered anti-social or undesirable by the majority of society members). In society there are social norms (standards of acceptable behaviour that are set by the social group). These standards are often in place for good reason. An example of a social norm is politeness as this is the start of interpersonal relations. People who are being rude or are behaving in an anti-social way because others find it difficult to interact with them. Social standards are not restricted to rules of etiquette but also more serious issues, such as what is acceptable in sexual behaviour. Our culture permits sex between consenting adults of any gender but regards some other behaviours as sexually deviant. For example in the past homosexuality was classified as deviant behaviour in the UK but nowadays it isn’t so things change with time.…
Deviation from social norms is one definition of abnormality, according to this definition you are considered to be 'abnormal' if you engage in a behaviour that the rest of society does not as society has accepted specific patterns of behaviour that they consider to be 'normal' such as being polite, going to work and education and more.…
The biological or medical approach regards abnormality as illness or disease. Mental illness is thought to be related to the physical structure and functioning of the brain. There are four possible causal factors of abnormality: brain damage, infection, biochemistry and genes.…
“Deviance in sociological context describes actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms including formally-enacted rules (e.g., crime) as well as informal violations of social norms.”…
The term ‘abnormal’ means deviating from the average. Therefore, if we were to adopt a literal approach to defining abnormality, we would conclude that any rare behaviour or ability was abnormal. This, however, is not a useful way of defining abnormality as it doesn’t take into account whether or not the behaviour is desirable. There are three ways of defining abnormality; deviation from social norms, failure to function adequately and deviation from ideal mental health.…
There are many ways a person could be described as psychologically abnormal. There is a statistical infrequency which states that a person’s trait that is rare or statistically unusual could be described as abnormal. For example, a person with an IQ that is above or below the average IQ of society could be considered abnormal. A person with a higher IQ wouldn’t necessarily be considered abnormal, but they would be highly regarded for their intelligence. Violating social norms could be classified as abnormal if it violates what is accepted or expected in society. An example of violating what is normal could be a person who is wearing their clothes backwards. It is not necessarily against the law, but more unacceptable to society and their standards.…
Being abnormal is defined as being different from what is normal, and is typically unwanted behavior to most of society. Abnormal behavior has many different factors to it’s definition. Showing impairment, giving distress and qualifying the quantitative differences are characteristics in individuals that are diagnosed with ADHD. Those behavioral characteristics in an individual would characterize that person as being abnormal.…
According to the sociocultural model, abnormal behavior is best understood in light of the broad forces that influence an individual (Comer, 2015), examining the effects of society and culture. Wherein, the sociocultural model is composed of two major perspectives: (a) the family-social perspective which suggests that social labels, roles, connections, supports, family structure and communication can greatly influence abnormal functioning, and (b) the multicultural perspective which seeks to understand how culture, race, ethnicity and gender can affect thoughts and behaviors, in addition to, how they differ psychologically (Alegria et al., 2014).…