
Outline For Bullying Persuasive Speech Outline

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Outline For Bullying Persuasive Speech Outline
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Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to persuade the audience that bullying prevention in schools can help lower the bullying rate. I want the audience to be aware that if preventions are taken, bullying will be less within school systems. My central idea is that all educators should be able to recognize and educate students about bullying.
Intended Audience: My ideal audience for this speech could include educators. The topic would also be beneficial to anyone who works with groups of children in any kind of setting. The topic is also appropriate for parents or guardians.
Significance: This topic is significant to my audience because it is important to understand the effects bullying has on children and their future. This topic is
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The person doing the bullying has a need to feel bigger than the person they are bullying. iii. Bullying needs to be addressed by society.
b) Daily there are many forms of bullying and violence that occur in schools that go unnoticed, such as cyber bullying.
Show visual aid chart (Zhang, A. Musu-Gillette, and L. Oudekerk, B. A., 2016)

i. Students 12-18 years of age experience bullying 33.6% inside classrooms, 45.6% in hallways, 9.1% stairwells, bathrooms, locker rooms, 18.9% in the cafeteria, 0.8% outside on school grounds, and 7.8% on school buses (Zhang, A. Musu-Gillette, and L. Oudekerk, B. A., 2016). ii. Schools need to get back to teaching children in non-threatening environments. iii. If teachers and peers can identify the signs of bullying, they can help direct students to personal to address the problem.
IV. Main Point 3: Teachers and peers can lower the risk of students being bullied by incorporating education in schools.
a) Implementing anti-bullying programs in school’s help lower the rate of bullying.
i. According to, Wen-Chi (2016) in a journal article from BMC states that implementing anti-bullying programs into school to prevent bullying can lower social anxiety and depression in

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