COMMS 2110
Informative Speech Formal Outline
Thesis: There are physical and social effects of alcohol that are not only detrimental to your own physiological and psychological well being, but also to those you interact with.
I. Alcohol is a general term denoting a family of organic chemicals with common properties. Members of this family include ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, and others. This introduction discusses the physical, chemical, and physiological aspects of the most commonly ingested of these - ethanol. I will give a speech to explain what alcohol can do to you and those around you, both physically and socially. What happens to students that do drink, what can happen with the police, and what …show more content…
In conclusion, I do not attempt to persuade people from using alcohol. As one can see there are many bad things alcohol can do to you, but it is up to the individual to decide what to do for themselves. I thank you for you time, good-day.
David Hopper
Comms 2110
Informative Speech Bibliography
Bacon, Bruce MD. "What are the Myths vs. Facts About Alcohol & the Liver?" New York: American Liver Foundation. 2003
Hingson RW, Howland J. Comprehensive community interventions to promote health: Implications for college-age drinking problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol Supplement 14:226-240, 2002.
Hingson RW, Heeren T, Zakocs RC, Kopstein A, Wechsler H. Magnitude of alcohol-related mortality and morbidity among U.S. college students ages 18-24. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 63(2):136-144, 2002.
Wise, Patti. AODE: Alcohol Information. 2003. Wellness Alliance Alcohol & Other Drug Education Programs. University of Wisconsin Colleges. January 2004
Shalala, Donna E. College Drinking - Alcohol Alert No. 29-1995. 2004. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. January 2004
Unknown. Office of Post Secondary Education: Campus Security Statistics Website. 2004. US Department Of Education. January