a) What is HIPAA?
a.i) The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is a multifaceted piece of legislation that covered these three areas: 1)Insurance portability, 2) Fraud enforcement (accountability) and 3) Administrative Simplification (reduction in health care costs). HIPAA was enacted to improve the efficiency and efficacy of the healthcare system.
a.ii) Title I and Title II of HIPAA protection and provisions.
2) HIPAA Confidentiality and Privacy
a) What is Confidentiality and Privacy?
a.i) Confidentiality and privacy means that patients have the right to control who will see their protected, identifiable health information. This means that communication with or about patients involving patient health information will e private and limited to those who need the information to provider treatment, payment, or healthcare operations.
3) Who is covered by the privacy rule?
a) All healthcare organizations and providers
b) Covered entities, such as the hospital must implement standards to protect and guard against the misuse of individually identifiable health information.
4) Fines and Penalties for Violating HIPAA Standards
a) Civil and criminal penalties
5) Ways to safe guard
a) Reasonable efforts for implementation of administrative, technical and physical safeguards
a.i) Records are kept locked, only people with a need to see information about patients have access to them.
a.ii) Shredding and disposal of PHI. PHI should be placed in closed receptacles, burned, or shredded- never leave in open garbage bins.
a.iii) Log off computers when away from workstation.
a.iv) Avoid discussion about patients in public areas such as elevators and cafeteria lines.
a.v) Do not leave messaged on answering machine regarding patient conditions or test results.
a.vi) Avoid paging patients using information that could reveal their health problems.