Project Title:
Example: Pathways from Poverty: providing women in Lian with financial services and support for small business development
Background information a. Description of the project being proposed and its importance * Discuss how the project relates to the development priorities of the Philippines; the scientific importance of the problem; the magnitude of the problem and how the research results will contribute to its solution; the special importance of the project for vulnerable social groups; and the need to build up research capacity in the proposed project. * Which of the Millennium Development Goals will your project aim to address, if any? (Please identify up to three MDGs in order of priority). a. Objectives and outcomes of the project * .The general objective should state the development goal being pursued by the project. The specific objectives should indicate the specific types of knowledge to be produced, the audiences to be reached, and forms of capacity to be reinforced. These are the objectives against which the success of the project will be judged. * what change the project will make; what is the anticipated impact on the lives of the beneficiaries?
Example of a change project the project will make: ‘Increasing household income and livelihood security for 5,000 people in Lian, Batangas, Philippines.
2. Methodology
* Explain how each specific objective will be achieved in enough detail to enable an independent scientific assessment of the proposal. This section should show how the research questions will be answered in the most rigorous way possible. a. Review of literature-- What evidence exists from past experience indicate that this kind of project is likely to be successful? b. Conceptual and theoretical framework. Define the frame of reference that