American Terror: The Oklahoma City Bombing cements terrorism into the minds of citizens Thesis:
Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing, U.S. citizens are corrected of their stereotypical thoughts towards terrorism; Terrorists aren’t commonly Muslims or foreign enemies. I.
The significance of the Oklahoma City Bombing
A. Controversies that arose
B. Questions thought and asked by the citizens
C. Impact towards the Federal Government
D. How it shook the illusion held by many Americans of a nation safe from the political unrest and terrorism outside its borders (an illusion that would be shattered for good on 9/11).
Addressing an argument from the opposing viewpoint (Not all Muslims were punished due to the stereotypes of Muslims being terrorists)
A. FBI had agents working on Foreign Terrorist Cases
B. How the U.S. punished Muslim states
C. Racial and Racist punishment
1. In terms of the racial and racist representation of the terrorist, even when the police sketches of the two anonymous white male suspects (later identified as McVeigh and Nichols) were made public, not all white males came under suspicion, nor were they demonized, interrogated at airports, questioned about their patriotism or made to account or apologize for their religion (Will be inserted into paper) IV.
The “because” of my thesis
A. How the view of terrorist changed among U.S. citizens
B. Domestic Terrorists involved in major bombings
1. In light of these events and warnings, why did the public, media and law enforcement officials immediately suspected Muslim terrorists for the attack? The choice of target was also significant and indicated domestic as opposed to international terrorism. (Will be inserted into paper)
How Muslims caused bombings was focused upon greatly
A. The differences in memorial and punishments
B. An example of how this was done ( the Oklahoma City Bombing)
1. In the hours and days following the