Specific topic: solutions / ways to stop racism
Introduction/ Thesis: Racism is one of the biggest issues going on in today society. The issue has existed throughout human history. It is the hatred of one person against another person in other races and religious. It is an awful belief that one race is better than another. Over the past few decade, racism/ color discrimination have affected a lot of people, it is one of the biggest weapon created on earth by far. There are a lot of problem crated by racism. Problems such as poverty and social issue…this problem will not be solved unless we start putting more attention on it! We can help and stop discrimination, so why don’t we help now before …show more content…
1.) It started very back during the period of the Renaissance when the Europeans start contact with people of darker skin in Africa. They treat African as a slave.
2.) The Chinese were also a part of the racism history. It is back then when the Canadian using cheap Asian labour to build the CPR. They are paid less, and most of them are treated as a slave
3.) The Native American: millions of natives American are forced to move out of their homeland after a series of wars, and massacres.
Perspective 1: Impact of racism
1.) Huge impact on society: discrimination is one of the biggest factors of poverty. People are not getting hired because of their skin color/ religious. They are not being accept in the society
2.) Bias in society which violated individual basic right. The lose the right to express their feeling, their thought, moreover their freedom.
3.) Distortion of reality by causing superiority complexes.
Perspective 2: ways to stop/solutions
1.) Involve in anti-racism organization
2.) Speak out your voice! Speak out when you see racism. Write a letter or article expressing your though to the