Title: Arguments for Human Cloning
Specific Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to inform my audience about the arguments given by supporters of human cloning.
Thesis: “Those who support human cloning make several claims of fact, value and policy to argue their case for human cloning.”
I. Introduction
II. The majority of the population fears cloning only because they are uneducated and believe the misconceptions spread by the popular media.
a. Cloning is easier than most people think.
i. The nucleus is removed from an egg cell.
ii. The DNA is separated from any cell in the donor.
iii. The separated DNA is then placed into the empty egg.
iv. The egg is implanted into a woman’s uterus and carried like any other
b. A …show more content…
If we look at the best experience we have, identical twins, we find that twins share only 50% of personality characteristics and 70% of their intelligence, so we could safely assume clones would be nowhere near Zerox copies of the original.
e. Human clones would have different fingerprints.
f. Much of “who we are” is determined by environment and experiences, not genetics.
i. A clone would not have the same friends.
ii. Their parents/upbringing would be different.
iii. They would live in a different time, and possible, place.
iv. Clones would not have the same experiences as the original.
III. Cloning can have a large, positive impact on parents who have fertility difficulties.
a. Parents with a high probability of passing on a crippling or fatal genetic disease to their children, but who do not suffer from the disease themselves, can be secure in the thought that their child will be healthy.
b. A husband who cannot produce sperm and a wife who cannot carry a child can have a child who is genetically related to them.
c. Current infertility treatments are less than 10% successful, human cloning has the potential of going well beyond that success