The structure of the VA includes different divisions, from the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) to the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Each one of the divisions has a different job in which it oversees throughout the organization. Their central offices are predominantly in Washington D.C., although they do have some in Colorado, Texas, and Maryland. This does not include the many VA Medical Centers, Outpatient Clinics, Vet Centers, and Benefit Offices scattered throughout every state.
This works well for the VA because with this structure not one department is covering all of the workload. Also, this structure spreads everything around so that each person in every division can specialize in a different task. Therefore making it more convenient for employees by allowing them to focus on one main goal instead of many different ones. This structure does not impede or hinder any of the day to day operations in the VA, and actually improves the communication process for management and employees by providing a very direct and organized system. Likewise, public safety units, such as the FWC, do not have many differences in …show more content…
wait time at a certain facility they are processing them out to outpatient clinics. With this happening, it is speeding up the wait times for veterans at VA facilities. The President has also taken part in investigating the long wait times for veterans, and is motivated to find a solution. The President passed the VA Reform Bill in 2014 which completely overhauled the VA and the way it processed long waiting veterans. The long wait period is affecting the veterans in ways that could jeopardize their employment