1. The outputs of the order process are reports of credit holds, customer invoice when product is delivered and paid for, processing the product order, inventory check (product availability), shipping instructions, and reports of back orders.
The Diagram:
The diagram starts off with one of the business processes called sales. A customer faxes, mails or calls in an order to the company. The order is taken down by a representative who manually takes down mandatory information required for the order on an order pad, such as: customer name, customer identification number shipping/billing address, product number, product description, quantity, and shipping instructions. All customer information that is taken down is required to process the order. The representative accesses the firm’s order entry system and checks the inventory and location for each product that is ordered. The representative will access the company’s entry system and check the inventory for each product ordered. While taking down the information, the representative checks the availability of the product to the warehouse nearest to the customers shipping address. If the product is not available at the closest warehouse, a check is done for the next closest warehouse to find the product. While searching for availability, a credit check is performed before each order by the Accounting department. If the credit is approved, an invoice will be generated by Accounting and the Sales department will get the okay to process the order, pending the delivery date. If denied, the customer will have a credit hold status and will be contacted regarding it. The credit hold will be forwarded to the credit department and the customer service representative will receive a daily report on orders placed on credit hold. The product will not be shipped, until payment is received. When payment is received by Accounting, the order is processed and the