#8 Mendiola St. Manila
School of Business and Accountancy
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Human Outsourcing
John Albert P. Corpuz
Krista Nina C. Datu
Kenneth L. Gloria
Mark Anthony M. Go
Jervy S. Sanchez
Maria Victoria C. Semsem
December 20, 2012
In our present day situation, many things are really fast changing not only the technology that we are using but also the things that constitute our daily living, and to be specific, the businesses that dominates our world today- the corporate world.
By change, we mean to say the principles and standards that every company is using in order to sustain not only what they have established but also their names in the vicious world of market and corporate competition. To be able to cope, no company has the ability to boost its development and growth without the aid of other companies.
There has been a long list of different strategies that companies adopt and apply in their daily dispositions, but not all of them are applicable to all the companies, as to the case of contingencies. Many tactics and strategies adopted from every situations that occurred in the past that were proven to be useful enough, but still, these strategies should also come and go with the changing environment, thus, this study focuses to these newly arising “needs”, to be specific, those that can affect the core of the company, which served as the engine, so that the company will run efficiently and effectively - the Management. And one of these fast rising elements of the economy is the so called Human Outsourcing or Outsourcing.
Over the years, outsourcing has been a useful tool not only locally but also internationally. It did help many group of companies reached what they are now. Outsourcing has been defined as a technique used by certain companies in covering their management distress by seeking the services of other companies to fill certain positions in their organizational