In recent decades, public agencies have witnessed a burgeoning trend toward privatization of government services. Governments have come to rely extensively on the private sector to perform traditional public functions. Privatization is a key component of the reforms towards human resource management (HRM) that takes advantage of private sector to lower costs, improve productivity, and expand organizational flexibility.
HR is the “philosophy, policies, procedures, and practices related to the management of people within an organization” (French, 2003). HR services for individual employee include not only the employment life cycle (from recruiting to termination), but also planning for organizational staffing needs and improving organizational effectiveness. Generally, contracting out the HRM both in public sector and private sector are defined as the purchasing of HR services from a third party supplier (CIPD, 2009). HR outsourcing is more predominant amongst private sector than public agencies. In the UK, a report indicates 69% of private organizations pursue this strategy, while 25% of public sector organizations undertake it (CIPD, 2009).
In the United States, privatization of public personnel management rises as a trend for public sector reforms. At the federal level, the Bush administration sought greater reliance on the private sector through privatization programs such as the Competitive Sourcing Initiative. In 2004, the Bush administration outsourced the management of the federal government’s workforce recruitment system, USAjobs, to a private firm (Shafritz et al., 2007). For states, the extent of outsourcing activities for public HRM includes specific functions, agency HRM services, and HR functions for the entire state. For example, the Cincinnati, Ohio based firm Convergys was awarded lucrative contracts for the provision of HR functions in the states of
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