The $17,000 loan , at 6.8% interest rate, and payments of $250 per month, would be payed back in as few as 7 years. From the time the loan was fully payed off, the individual could save the money used as payments to achieve other life goals. Therefore, through my mathematical analysis I found that it does pay off for a student to continue their education into a bachelor's …show more content…
For the most part, experts agree that college does outweigh the cost. Thomas Frank, creator of the website College Info Geek says “For me, the answer is a definite yes. College is a giant, concentrated maelstrom of opportunities, things to learn, people to meet, new perspectives, and more. It's awesome - particularly if you find a way to make it affordable.” Others agree with Thomas Frank about the opportunities, however not everyone has the same opinion. One person in particular has a very different opinion. According to William Hare, PhD, Professor Emeritus at Mount Saint Vincent University, "teachers may abuse their power and authority and seek to impose certain beliefs and values, actively discouraging their students from raising problems or objections." Although his argument is perfectly valid, his haters often call his ideas far-fetched and has nothing to do with whether the benefits of college outweigh the cost of college. Aside from that minor disagreement, there is not much opposition to the benefit of college in the field of experts. Two of the major researchers for educational research - Jaison Abel and Richard Deitz - are in complete agreement with Mr. Frank. In fact they told CNN that “Despite the recent struggles of college graduates, investing in a college degree may be more important than ever before because those who fail to do so are falling further and further behind.”