Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration.…
Overpopulation is a term used for situation where human population numbers exceed the earth’s capacity which aggravates the environmental deterioration, weakening of the superiority of life. To see if the population growth will be a threat in the future, Demographic Transition Model must be used to see where the countries are placed on the model. This can be done by measuring the countries birth and death rates. Impacts caused by human population on the environment have been severe. Impacts include loss of freshwater for instance by 2030, demand for freshwater will increase by 30 precent. Extinction of species is another major impact caused by overpopulation for instance scientists warn that if the human population grows with similar trends,…
Some underdeveloped and developing countries face the problem of overpopulation. Too many mouths to feed and less natural resources on hand can have a devastating effect on the economy. Country like China have really large population. In India, population growth has been on a higher scale than what the country’s economy can handle.…
Over Populations is causing major problems right now, such as Global Problems , and the losing of natural resources. In other Words,,”Human Overpopulation is pressing…
If birth control were to be banned, the world would see a lot more of teen parents. The country of China is currently dealing with a social problem right now of overpopulation, which means that the number of babies that are being born outnumber the number of people that are dying. There are many problems that arise with overpopulation. One of the problems if food. Food production and distribution would have to speed up to catch up with increasing number of mouths to feed which could cause many food shortages or increases in food costs to meet with the cost of demand. Another problem would be oil and gas. As the population grows, so does the need for energy and so we could possibly strain and exhaust the very few energy sources we have today. Overcrowding is one of the biggest problem stemming from overpopulation. We would have to fit more people into spaces made for less. Having more people in one area means there are more different opinions towards an issue. The more different opinions you have, the more likely it is that conflict will arise and the most severe thing that could happen, war could break…
Overpopulation can be a main reason of poverty in America, due to the lack of an adequate education system and the income of money that comes into the families. It is pretty well know that overpopulated communities generally do not have very good education systems. Also living in an over populated poverty stricken community can have many other…
Over-population is a very big problem. It leads to many other issues because if a couple that lives in poor conditions have kids, these children will grow up to a very bad education, few job opportunities, and possibilities to turn to violence and crimes to survive. And it's a cycle because if they have kids, the story repeats itself. The worst part of this is that it's unusual for these people to have only one child, they normally have a lot more.…
Busam, V. ‘Overpopulation: The world’s problem’ 11 December 1995 http://www.sixpak.org/vince/overpopulation.html (date of access 1 December 2010)…
Overpopulation is a generally unwanted condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth, or smaller geographical areas such as countries. Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and weakening of resources. It is possible for very sparingly populated areas to be overpopulated if the area has a skimpy or non-existent capability to sustain life.…
In our world today, there are shocking numbers. For example, 3 people are born every second, 170 people are born every minute, 10,000 people are born every hour, and 240,000 people are born every day (Heyword, n.d.). The world’s population is currently approximately 6.9 billion people, yet the sustainable population level based on available resources is approximately 2-3 billion people, based on a European standard of living (“Current population is three times the sustainable level”, 2010). With these shocking numbers in mind, it is not hard to believe that overpopulation is an issue in the world today, effecting countries on nearly every continent. For the record, overpopulation is not a complete concrete concept; many different opinions exist in determining criteria for overpopulation and deciding which countries should be labeled “overpopulated.” However in this paper, the following questions concerning overpopulation will be addressed in hopes of developing a better understanding of overpopulation and how it affects many countries of the world: What is overpopulation? Where are some places in the world that are heavily overpopulated? Why is overpopulation a social problem? What are some solutions that have been carried out to address overpopulation?…
Overpopulation has a definite effect on a country’s economy. First of all, when countries are overpopulated, the hardly have enough food to support themselves, never mind the hope of having a surplus to sell. This can contribute to a low GDP per Capita which is effect overpopulation has on the economy. In an attempt to save the people from the starvation, the government will most likely have to rely on foreign debt. This puts the country in debt at stretches the government’s already meagre resources. Furthermore, when a country is overpopulated, there is a high rate of unemployment because there just aren’t enough jobs to support the population. This results in a high level of crime because the people will need to steal things in order to survive.…
The Consequences of Population Growth The effects of population growth on economic development differ between the developed and developing countries. In the developed countries, population growth has enhanced the growth of such economies because they are wealthy, have abundant capital and scarcity of labour. O n the contrary the consequences of rapid population growth on the development of LDCs are not the same. Most developing countries are poor, capital scarce and labour abundant; and therefore population growth aversely affects their economic development. Precisely every increase in population has led to more problems than benefits. Some of the negative effects of population growth include: High population growth rates require massive investment in Social infrastructure. Due to the shortage of investment funds, social infrastructure like education, health, transport and housing is likely to decrease. This results in overcrowding and declining quality of services and therefore mitigating against an improvement in the quality of the population as agents of production. To counter these problems, there is need for developing countries to expand facilities and increase investment. High population growth rates are seen to have devastating effects on the environment. Rapidly increasing numbers of people puts pressure on the available land and other resources. This therefore prompts the opening up of new farmlands, most of which are ecologically sensitive (e.g. forests, swamps and hillsides.) In many cases, the pressures of population growth force people to obtain more food for themselves and this results in over cultivation and eventually yields reduce. In addition, rural – urban migration and its associated problems are a result of population growth. Population growth depresses savings and capital formation. As population increases, per capita income falls; people are required to feed more children therefore expenditure on consumer goods increases. A rise in…
Clean and green environment, peace and order situation are a common problems caused by overpopulation. The government is providing a big portion of the annual budget to control cleanliness and orderliness, not mention the left and right insurgency problem in the case of our country.…
Another major negative effect of overpopulation is economical difficulties. Increased population brings a number of economical problems. Countries with overpopulation have plenty of unemployed, that evilest big problem for people. “To swell even further the ranks of the 15-24 group of unemployed, creating still more social ills!”(Kuo). The government is not able to create enough job for ever inebriating population . So many people, who live in…
First, is the presence of poverty. As long as the people are poor they aren’t that busy and they don’t think of family planning anymore. They tend to think that even though their poor at least they are happy. They don’t think of the life their children would have once they enter this world. Second is the lack of education. Since the people are poor they can’t afford good education. These people don’t understand the effect of the situation. Their ignorance adds up to build overpopulation. Lastly, is…