Unit 9 Project
I feel that these skills play a crucial role in my life due to my own personal journey as a better person both physically and spiritually. As I have been reading Emotional
Intelligence (D.Goleman, 1995), I find myself identifying with the sort of awareness and insights that are present and I can honestly say that I have been accused my whole life of being to emotional or deemed the sensitive one. I had a rough upbringing and I was very negative in my social life. Distant, angry but this somehow managed to help me view things differently as I matured and came into my own as a responsible adult. I was not aware that this other natural instinct was looked at as a viable form of intellect. It always bothered me that feelings were not viewed as evidence of intellectual power. But then why do our emotions drive us to make so many decisions that produce both positive and negative outcomes. These are still looked at as good or bad intellectual choices. Thinking with both the head and the heart is not always how some individuals interpret their actions. Choosing to interpret things rationally without the awareness of emotional instinct telling us to make a decision is often overlooked because we inherently know what to do because feeling happens so quickly, and the thought is ingrained so it is the first response. Thus the intellect taking over the emotional reasoning. (queendom.com)
Emotional intelligence is defined as our inherent will to control our impulses such as motivation, empathy, and positive social interaction. Utilizing the concepts of emotional intelligence, being self-aware, controlling our impulses, and motivation, it is my understanding that I already have been practicing these concepts just through my own discoveries with self realization and now thanks to the readings I have gained better understanding of this information. Ex; It has always been easy for me to deal with