Assalamualaikum and good morning ladies and gentlemen. The purpose of my presentation today is to share the basic knowledge of overcoming fear in making oral presentation. To start with I will be explaining the second worst fear after death and that would be public speaking. Then I will mention about some of the problems encounter and how to overcome it and finally I will summarize my presentation as well as concluding some recommendations. Please do feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions and I will try my level best to answer the questions after the presentation.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Fear of public speaking is extremely common and most people like to say that the fear of public speaking is more common than the fear of death. Even if that is not the case, it is still extraordinarily common and a lot of people want to overcome fear of public speaking. Some people who fear public speaking do not need to do any public speaking in their day to day lives so their fear of it does not present a huge issue for them. On the other hand, some people are required to do a fair amount of public speaking as part of their jobs, so if they are afraid of it, they do need to make an effort to overcome fear of public speaking. And the great news is, it does not take much to overcome that fear.
It does not take much to realize that any fear people might feel regarding public speaking is only based in their imagination of what may happen. An imagination that runs away and predicts a horrible outcome that almost certainly will not happen. Having once been among those that would have rather faced down a pack of lions than a polite audience, the person will know exactly how terrifying it can seem to stand up in front of people and speak.
So let me share with you three simple tricks to help overcoming fear of oral presentation.
First of all, you should imagine a positive outcome. Any fear is generated because our
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