"There are two types of speakers: Those that are nervous, and those that are liars." Mark Twain.
Just imagine yourself being in front of thousands of people. Giving a presentation on how to live a better life, and a happier one. People are chearing, laughing, and having a great time. The presentation ends with a standing ovation and you feel on top of the world, inconquerable. To think you were once worried about public speaking, but no more. Thanks to your improved speaking you are much more confident person.
Unfortunately this is just a dream, and you must face reality.
Do you have problems with public speaking ? If you fear the spotlight, you are not alone.
3 out of 4 people have some form of stage fright, ranging from small worries to physically disabiling symptoms, such as vommiting. This fear is known as Glossophobia.
This goes for everyone, including those who have to give numerous speeches every year. Barack Obama, for example, who speaks in front of millions and millions of people, will admit that deep down he is often afraid when giving speeches. The reason he has become such a great public speaker is because of practice. He has given so many speeches throughout the course of his life, that rarely, does he ever start to second guess or give into his fears.
And today you have a unique opportunity, because we are going to tell you some useful tips how to overcome your stage fright and become a successful public speaker. The first step in solving a problem, is admitting a problem. So in order to over come your fear of public speaking, you must first identify with it. Here are some common symptoms: dry mouth, sweaty and shaky hands, fast pulse, trembling lips and so on. But there are merely physical symptoms, only you will ever truly know if you suffer from stage fright. So be open, be honest, and listen to