For about as long as I could remember, my wish has always been to fit in, and be well-liked by everyone. I began acting a certain way that wasn’t me, and even began to lose my identity. I followed all trends and began to lose more and more of my identity as time chipped away. This all stopped as soon as high school began. High school was such a disquieting transition along with all of the new changes I’d be facing. New classmates, teachers, subjects, and responsibilities. I was now required to think twice before every move and concentrate on everything more adequately. All these changes made me begin to realize that I should learn more about my identity and do what makes me tranquil and content as a person.…
Socialize in moderation. Socialization is an important part of the college experience. Just remember to balance visiting friends and keeping your grades up. It can be easy to lose track of time and procrastinate. Save late night outings for nights when you do not have class the very next day.…
Socialize in moderation. Socialization is an important part of the college experience. Just remember to balance visiting friends and keeping your grades up. It can be easy to lose track of ...…
Walking into the locker room about to get ready to go to our last football game of the season. I could smell the sweaty equipment from the kids who never take their pads home. The Hempfield Spartans 7th grade team would be ending their season 0-7 if we didn’t win today. As I was changing into my pads my friend mike walked in the room. I said “you ready for tonight”. “Heck yeah” replied Mike.…
If you are having trouble making friends on campus, get involved in a club or two. Find any organized activity that you are interested in, ...…
Life is like a masquerade, everyone wears a mask to conceal their flaws, weaknesses, fears, and past mistakes. Everyone wears a mask to hide the fact that they’re human. Humans aren’t perfect; humans fuck up from time to time and sometimes, failure can lead to success. Failure can lead society to a different path, a brighter future. The wisest and most intelligent people are the ones that make mistakes and learn from them.…
I noticed when I moved to North Carolina that the teachers were teaching materials I had already learned the year before. However, I was not able to skip a grade, so this deterred my development and educational growth for a year.…
I had a lot of failures in my short lifetime. Some of the failures I have done have done a lot of…
Trapped. The beeping machines. The countless doctors and the barf colored walls. The disgusting smell of ceramic gloves. I have been stuck in this place my entire life. Same nurses, same needles, and the same room. I am not normal like the other kids that come and go in this place. I am trapped.…
Why is fitting in so hard? Is it because I have to change about myself so much? Or the fact that I have to suffer trying so hard? I guess all of it becomes just a little too much, but I hope that soon the fog will clear up. That is something that I always have to remind myself when I just can’t take it anymore. I have these feelings bottled up and it’s really hard to not cry, especially when I have stress taking over me at the same time. Emotions and stress are getting bigger and bigger by the minute, but I’ve learned to take a deep breath, and cry it out because I realized that it’s not good to keep emotions is, but at the same time I want to be brave or strong. So it’s hard.…
I feel like my personal social class is not affected by the property, power, and prestige due to I own my house, and two cars paid off, I have a bank saving account, 401 K savings, and supplemental life Insurance as protection for my children. I consider myself a very simple person whom is not affected by power and prestige. Personally, I do not dress or wear only expensive cloths, and purses. I wear what looks and feel good on self. According to the two social perspectives of Mark’s conflict theory the capitalism and the worker class (Pg.228). I belong to the worker class. Why? I am a Registered Nurse with the function of Assistant Unit Manager in the 12 floor of a Public Hospital. Although, is the largest hospital in Dallas…
I grew up in the small town of Plymouth, Wisconsin, with my parents and my little brother. We were a middle class family during my childhood days but declined to that of a working class family as I grew into my teenage years, according to my mom. The shift in our social class was due to 3 major events which I have pinpointed as: my dad being laid off from his job for several months, my mom’s business declining, and the time when the economy tanked around 7-8 years ago (which is what lead to the first 2 events). My mom said that these days we could probably technically be referred to as lower middle class, but we’re considered working class because my parent’s don’t have white collared jobs. I realize that as a child and even a teenager I never…
Have you never had people laugh around you and you immediately think they’re laughing at you? What about counting your money at least 10 times before actually paying, because you don’t want to be in a situation where people might think you’re “stupid”, well I go through this daily. I’m socially anxious and to be honest,this disorder limits me in my everyday life. Being socially anxious makes me miss many opportunities where I could potentially better myself. I have had many opportunities to shine throughout my life, but I didn’t take any of those chances because I lack so much confidence, and I have a huge fear of embarrassment.…
Junior year was the year I got myself together. I realized school is really important, without school you can't do nothing in life. I wasn't focus on girls, how I look, many more stuff that has nothing to do with school. Last year was the time I had to focus on myself and start thinking what i’m going to do after school. Junior year I set many goals for myself, this was the only way I could accomplish things. One of those goals was coming to school on time, cause I have a serious issue not waking up on time. Another goal was getting excellent grades, this was important goal for me, because I never had A’s before or any good grade it was always average grades and I knew i could do better than that. My first time getting merit roll was a big moment for me, because this would motivate me to keep going. Explaining this…
Some students fit in too much and get side tracked with parties and other social…