Assignment 1: Essay Date of assignment Q: Discuss the idea that ‘overconsumption in the modern world is a serious threat to true sustainability’. Comment [FoB1]: Good idea to have a header –with the assignment title and date at the top.
Also a header with your name and student
I.D at the bottom, along with the page number. It can be said that a growing trend of overconsumption, particularly in Western
Comment [FoB2]: There is no need to write the question at the top of your assignment. This is for information onlyYour introduction will paraphrase the question –so that the reader understands.
industrialised nations is rising considerably. This phenomena extends to a wide range of goods and products which at one time were built to be repaired and reused, but now deemed too expensive to do so, are simply tossed aside to make way for a brand new version of themselves. Also, it can be said that in these same developed nations especially, individuals consume and purchase far too many products, which are all too quickly consumed and not re-used, repaired nor recycled and after their usefulness has passed, are simply discarded or sent to landfill refuse sites. The overconsumption of goods and products therefore is seen as one of many common problems arising in the 21st Century and will continue to be ever more problematic until action is taken. As populations rise and become more affluent and developed,
Comment [FoB3]: The essay starts by setting the scene/background with information to orientate the reader as to the topic
Comment [FoB4]: The introduction is also the perfect place to restate the question, so that the reader knows what it is, you’ll be discussing.
Comment [FoB5]: Here the ‘thesis statement’ or the writer’s ‘main point of