I. Identify the problem
Overpopulation is a generally undesirable condition where an organism 's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. (Wikipedia)
II. Why is it a problem?
It’s a problem because the people are suffering and forced to live in the streets. There’s too many of us and the Philippines is just small so it couldn’t afford to carry all of us. We are already running out of space and the every single day a child is born. According to Mads Nissen who’s a photographer “The Capital of the Philippines which is Manila is one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world.”
III. Who are affected?
The Filipino people are affected. We are the ones living here and we experiencing it every day. We feel the effect of having too many citizens and the government is having a difficulty responding to all the problems of its people. Some say that the Philippines is just mismanaged but we shouldn’t blame all of it to the government. This is the reason why RH Bill was proposed in the first place and is now a law. This is the mere reason why they created this law which is a possible resolution to overpopulation.
IV. What are the social factors instigating the occurrence of the social problem?
First, is the presence of poverty. As long as the people are poor they aren’t that busy and they don’t think of family planning anymore. They tend to think that even though their poor at least they are happy. They don’t think of the life their children would have once they enter this world. Second is the lack of education. Since the people are poor they can’t afford good education. These people don’t understand the effect of the situation. Their ignorance adds up to build overpopulation. Lastly, is
Bibliography: Nissen, M. (n.d.). Overpopulation. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from Mads Nissen: http://www.madsnissen.com/overpopulation-in-manila-the-philippines/ Wiki Answers. (n.d.). Retrieved November 6, 2012, from Wiki Answers: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_cause_of_overpopulation_in_the_Philippines Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved November 6, 2012, from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overpopulation