It is a timely discussion of what sort of importance should we give to the issue of overpopulation and what can we do about it, directed mostly to the elected readers of this weekly publication. It works on the expansion of the line of inquiry and creates room for curiosity.…
Overpopulation is a term used for situation where human population numbers exceed the earth’s capacity which aggravates the environmental deterioration, weakening of the superiority of life. To see if the population growth will be a threat in the future, Demographic Transition Model must be used to see where the countries are placed on the model. This can be done by measuring the countries birth and death rates. Impacts caused by human population on the environment have been severe. Impacts include loss of freshwater for instance by 2030, demand for freshwater will increase by 30 precent. Extinction of species is another major impact caused by overpopulation for instance scientists warn that if the human population grows with similar trends,…
When given the task to analyze “Overpopulation is not a problem” written by Erle C. Ellis and “The Island of plenty” written by Johnson C. Montgomery one may quickly realize how opposed these two articles are to each other. Johnson C. Montgomery was a California attorney and a member of the organization Zero Population Growth. He talks about how the United States shouldn’t be sharing its resources with this “polluted world of people”. Mr. Ellis is an environmental scientist at the University of Maryland. He believes that “The conditions that sustain humanity are not natural and never have been”. He thinks humans have been supporting big populations for years by engineering ecosystems and using technologies. For Montgomery overpopulation is obviously an issue while for Ellis it is not.…
In the article “Overpopulation Is Still the Problem”, the author discusses the problem of overpopulation and how it affected the world in different ways. He believes that overpopulation has led to famine, extinction of species, desertification and many more. First the author challenges the view of some newspapers that declare that overpopulation has never been a problem and that china , a nation of a billion , was able to overcome it’s exceedance of carrying capacity by using technologies by stating china’s various food crisises throughout history. He argues that due to china’s multiple famines that led to millions’ starvations, it shouldn’t be used as an argument proving point. However, china’s one-child policy has prevented future…
The argument’s main idea is that overpopulation has a major impact on the Earth. The author explains how overpopulation leads to food insecurity, land depletion, human suffering, species extinction, and decreased social services. The article shows how all of these problems are caused by overpopulation, and statistics and examples are given to prove the author’s reasoning. The author might view overpopulation in a negative way because research shows that too many people on the Earth causes a multitude of problems. Also, the author could have a bias that affects his perspective. The author, Alon Tal, is an environmental activist and former chairman of Israel’s Green Party. This might lead Tal to neglect evidence that shows that overpopulation…
A movie produced in 1973, known as Soylent Green, presented a world in which the solution to famine created by global overpopulation was feeding people the processed remains of their own kind. While obviously an extreme example, this movie temporarily put a spotlight on the seemingly inevitable overpopulation of our planet and the problems it would bring. One might ask what, exactly, overpopulation is. Overpopulation is defined as “a state in which the population size of a species has passed the carrying capacity of the environment” (Brunson 1). In other words, when a population’s consumption of natural resources becomes unsustainable, that population is overpopulated.…
Over Populations is causing major problems right now, such as Global Problems , and the losing of natural resources. In other Words,,”Human Overpopulation is pressing…
There are so many environmental issues that are affecting the entire globe today. People often speak of environmental issues as if they have no control over making them better or worse, however, environmentalists feel that many if not all of the environmental problems that we are facing “are either caused or exacerbated by population growth” (West, 2009). That means that people themselves are the very ones causing harm to the environment. What we do or don’t do about the issue of overpopulation will determine the very fate of the environment in the future. This presents the need for ethical decision making. “Global environmental problems are ethical problems” (Brown, 2009). Each and every person has a moral and ethical responsibility toward the environment, the problem is that people often ignore that responsibility, especially when it presents other ethical dilemmas.…
Image this: One day, you wake up and 240,000 more people are living in your mansion. It is a big mansion with normally ample supplies to sustain your lifestyle. However, with 240,000 more people inhabiting that same area, it has become cramped and small. The next day, 240,000 people more come to live with you. This happens everyday for many years, soon supplies start to stretch thin and space starts to be a rarity. Unfortunately, this is not fiction. It is reality. Everyday, 240,000 babies are born around the world, according to United Nations ' Population Fund (UNFPA). This figure works out to be about 12,000,000 people over the next 50 years, if the growth stays, steady. However, as stated by World Population Profile: 1998, the population of our plant will reach 9.6 billion people by 2050, a discouraging number. That should frighten every citizen of earth, because the enormous population will affect every person. Unless, people understand the causes and the problems they create.…
“The Myth of Overpopulation” was written by Michael Craven and published on June 13th, 2011 in the Christian Post. The article talks about some of the popular myths that people hold about overpopulation. For example, in the past a famous scholar, Thomas Malthus, believed that the “planet’s rapid increase in population would soon outstrip the planet’s ability to produce food, resulting in massive worldwide starvation”. This prediction was made hundreds of years ago but obviously his hypothesis has been proved wrong because we have had a rapid increase in our population however our ability to produce food for society’s members has been adequate even exorbitant at points. For example now the U.S government has to pay farmers to not grow enormous amounts of crops because farming has become so efficient. Furthermore, the government even has to store the crops for the farmers because otherwise the price of crops would drop so low due to the massive amount of crops sold during harvest season.…
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2012), the world has come under the greatest pressure in terms of pollution, land degradation and depletion of natural resources. environment, food and energy shortage, This can lead to irreversible change to of the environment ecosystem. With the population of 7 billion, people also face extremely complex economic and social crises. To this end, This report aims to not only clearly understand the current situation of overpopulation but also present possible solutions to this problem. by thinking over the causes and effects of…
The Earth’s population is stated to be approaching seven billion. Concurrently, environmental degradation is persistent and resources are being depleted. The wealthy nations have assured the less wealthy ones that they too are on the verge to become rich. Their population growth rate is expected to decline as well (Dykstra, 1965). However, it is no longer apparent if this will happen. Scarcity of resources such as oil is anticipated to reduce the economic growth in future. It is expected that the demographic transition which has coincided with economic growth is unlikely for most nations. About 220,000 people are increased in the planet on a daily basis (Mudd, 2013). Statistics report that the United States of America alone adds one person…
Unecre, P. (2008), ‘Aspects of Overpopulation’, 07 April 2008, (date of access 10 December 2010)…
Increasing human overpopulation throughout the world is one of the biggest global issues addressed in the 21st century. This concept negatively affects almost every aspect of society: extinction of plants/animals or habitats, over use of natural resources, climate change, and other environmental problems (“As World’s Human”). This continual predicament needs to be corrected by intensified human productive abilities and a global law that will stimulate positive outcomes across the world.…
Do people ever think about how many stray animals are roaming the streets or in shelters? Thirty-five percent of pet owners do not spay or neuter their pets, so each year eight million stray animals end up in shelters each year. Only 3.5 million people adopt a pet from a shelter. The rest of the animals stay in the shelter and suffer in the cages waiting for a new home. Why do animals have to suffer in shelters, on the streets or in puppy mills because of irresponsible owners?…