“Every 20 minutes, the human population grows by about 3000.” (www.overpopulation.org, 2013). This shows that humans give huge amounts of ignorance concerning the overpopulation issue. Overpopulation causes negative impacts such as on the population’s health, education, unemployment and towards the world’s global environment. The first problem that overpopulation causes is health of the population. Overpopulation means more children in one family, and when each family has more than 2 children, this means greater amount of food is required. Because the number of food produced is not enough to feed the whole region where the population keeps on growing, then food shortage has taken place. When people do not consume enough food, their health will be affected. It is also observed that the number of starvation in the population increases. “Number of starvation: 923 million in 2007 versus 832 million in 1995 and more recent FAO estimates point to an even more dramatic increase, to 1.02 billion in 2009.” (www.wikipedia.org, 2012). Inadequate clean water for drinking also leads to poor health as diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid and cholera might be caught. It gets worse when this food and water shortage issue is coupled with poor economic situation. They won’t be able to afford to feed themselves, not to mention the ones having more than 2 children. The possible solution that could be done is firstly a birth control of not having more than 2 children. This could reduce the amount of food and water used to feed an extra child and save more money for other necessities. Other solution is desalination in order to obtain clean water, this may be used for a more developed and industrialized regions. Many have also practice desalination, like Saudi Arabia, Malta, Singapore and United States. The second problem from overpopulation is the education of the population. When the number of schools that are limited cannot support with the increasing number
References: Effects of Overpopulation : Education (2013). Retrieved 2013, March 14 from http://www.npg.org/factsheets/education.pdf Gaia, K. (2013, January 10). World Population Awareness. Retrieved 2013, March 14 from http://www.overpopulation.org/faq.html Kulkarni, A. (2012, 7 November). Solutions to Overpopulation. Retrieved 2013, March 14 from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/overpopulation-solutions-to- overpopulation.html Overpopulation. (2012). Retrieved 2013, March 14 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overpopulation Rahman, Md. A. (2013). Overpopulation is Raising Unemployment. Retrieved 2013, March 14 from http://www.newstoday.com.bd/index.php?option=details&news_id=391 17&date=2011-09-18 Shah, M. H. (2012, March 15). Unemployment and Overpopulation. Retrieved 2013, March 14 from http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english- online/columns/15-Mar-2012/unemployment-and-overpopulation Stancheva, T. (2012). Effects of Overpopulation on the Environment. Retrieved 2013, March 14 from http://fubini.swarthmore.edu/~ENVS2/S2003/Tina/overpopulation.html The Real Job Numbers. (2012, October 19). Retrieved 2013, March 14 from http://rt.com/usa/jobs-us-employment-welfare-749/